What Should I Expect From A Landscaper? (Explained)

You know that feeling when you walk into a house and it’s like you’ve been there before? Well, that’s what happens with most landscaping jobs. 

You’ve hired someone who knows their stuff and they get the job done right. But what if something doesn’t look right? What should I expect from my landscaper?

Key Takeaways
Importance of landscaping
Elements of a well-planned landscape
Benefits of a well-designed landscape
Factors to consider before hiring a landscaper
How to communicate effectively with a landscaper
Common mistakes to avoid in landscaping projects


When considering the design process, it’s important to understand the difference between a landscaper and a landscape designer. 

A landscaper is someone who goes out into your yard and plants trees, shrubs, flowers and other plants. They can also do things like lay sod or do some lawn repair if you need it.

A landscape designer is someone who will work with you on creating a plan for your yard that has more than just plants in it they’ll create an overall design scheme using elements such as lighting, fencing and other features that may be included in their designs.

The cost for either of these services will vary greatly depending on what type of project you want done. 

For example, if all you need is some mulch delivered but not installed (which would probably cost less than $1 per square foot), then hiring someone would not be worth it unless they were doing something else at the same time like planting trees or installing irrigation systems (which would increase costs). 

But if this was part of larger project such as adding new turfgrass sod – then hiring someone could actually save money because they would ensure that everything fits together nicely before leaving so there’s no additional work later down the line due to mistakes made during installation (plus having professionals handle those types of jobs makes them look better).

Installing landscaping edge is essential to prevent soil erosion and provide a polished look to your yard. Our step-by-step guide on how to install landscaping edge provides valuable insights into the process and helps you achieve the desired look for your garden.


Irrigation is an important part of maintaining your landscape. Proper irrigation will help your yard stay healthy, green and clean.

There are different types of irrigation systems: drip, sprinklers or soaker hoses. With drip systems you can control the amount of water that goes into the ground by how long the pipes are connected to the area being watered. 

Sprinkler heads spray water in all directions so they don’t use as much water as a drip system but they do tend to run dry more frequently because they don’t get enough pressure from downspouts or other sources near where you live. 

Soaker hoses also use less water than traditional sprinkler heads but they also have a tendency to dry out quickly since there’s only one hole for all the water coming out at once rather than several smaller ones spaced farther apart (or none at all like with a drip system). 

If you’re looking for something that uses less power consumption and doesn’t leave wet spots behind after use then choose between these two options instead!

Key Points: Irrigation

Key Points
Importance of proper irrigation
Types of irrigation systems
Factors to consider when selecting an irrigation system
Seasonal irrigation considerations
Common irrigation problems to avoid
Benefits of professional irrigation maintenance

Pest Management

When it comes to pest management, a good landscaper should be just as familiar with the issues your area is likely to face than they are with their own skill set. 

They should know how to treat pests and what types of treatment are most effective in different climates, especially if you’re based in an area that has a lot of different climates (such as California). 

They also need to have an understanding of what practices are best for controlling pests safely and humanely for your yard. If a landscaper doesn’t seem like he knows much about these things, then it’s probably better not to work with him or her at all.

Landscaping borders add structure to your outdoor space and define its boundaries. If you’re wondering how to install landscaping borders, our comprehensive guide covers everything you need to know about the process, from selecting the right borders to installing them correctly.


Mowing is a crucial part of lawn maintenance. It helps control the height of your grass and prevents weeds from growing, both of which make your yard look less messy and unkempt.

Your landscaper should make sure that they mow your lawn regularly at the right time of day. If they don’t have enough experience with mowing, it can end up costing you more money in the long run. 

If a landscaper charges you extra for their services, ask yourself if they really need to be doing this job themselves or could they be using someone else?

You should expect them to:

  • Mow regularly (at least once per week)
  • Use appropriate equipment for each type of grass (for example, electric mowers are better for keeping tall weeds under control than gas powered ones)
  • Know when it’s best not to cut back too much in order to get rid of pests like ticks

Weed Control

Weed control is one of the most important things you can do to improve your lawn. A good landscaper will be sure to explain how they plan to control weeds, and make sure that you are comfortable with the method before moving forward. Weeds can be controlled by spraying herbicides onto your lawn. 

Herbicides are chemicals that kill weeds, but are safe for humans and pets. To learn more about what types of herbicides are used in this process, take a look at our article on What Is Weed Control?

Weeds, unwanted grass, and dead plants can make your lawn look unkempt and unattractive. If you’re struggling with unwanted foliage, check out our guide on getting rid of landscaping to learn about the most effective ways to remove it and keep your lawn healthy and beautiful.


Mulching is a layer of organic material that is placed on top of the soil to protect it from erosion. Mulch can be made from a variety of materials, including wood chips, pine needles and even lawn clippings. 

It’s usually applied after fall or winter when there are no plants growing to avoid having them smothered by the mulch.

Mulching helps retain moisture in the soil and keeps the soil temperature cool during hot summer months. If you prefer to use mulch as an aesthetic feature rather than its benefits for plant health (or lack thereof), then organic bark or gravel may work better for you

Key Points: Mulching

Key Points
Importance of mulching
Types of mulch materials
How much mulch to apply
Best practices for applying mulch
Benefits of mulching
Disadvantages of improper mulching


Pruning is one of the most important aspects of landscaping. It’s a regular activity that needs to be done on a regular basis, and it can help improve the health and appearance of your trees and shrubs. 

Pruning can also prevent diseases, increase the lifespan of your plants, or even help you save money by eliminating dead branches.

The best time for pruning depends on where you live. If you live in an area where frost occurs during winter months, then waiting until spring will give your plants time to recover from any damage caused by cold weather before cutting off any dead branches. 

However, if it’s impossible for you to wait until spring because there are areas where frost won’t occur until later (or never), then you can always hire a professional landscaper who knows how best to protect their clients’ investments while they’re still alive!

Digging for landscaping work needs to be precise and well-executed to ensure successful results. If you’re in doubt about how to dig for landscaping, our expert guide covers the basics of digging, including soil preparation, depth, and techniques to follow.


Fertilization is very important to your landscape. Plants need fertilizer in order to grow and produce fruit and vegetables. 

There are two different types of fertilizers: organic and chemical. Organic fertilizers include compost, mulch, peat moss and manure while chemical fertilizers are made from more complex molecules such as ammonium nitrate or urea. 

The type of fertilizer you use will depend on what kind of plants you’re growing as well as the type of soil you have in your garden.

For most plants, it is recommended that you apply a nitrogen-rich fertilizer every month during the growing season for strong leaves and flowers (this can be done by hand or with a machine). 

In colder climates where snow may cover the ground for long periods at a time during winter, it’s important not to apply any more than this throughout this period too much nitrogen in cold months could damage roots which could lead to disease outbreaks later on down the line!

Planting And Transplanting

Planting and transplanting are two different things, though they can sometimes be used interchangeably. 

Planting is when you put a seed in the ground and wait for it to grow, while transplanting is moving an existing plant from one place to another. 

If you’re looking for landscaping services that include planting, your best bet is to inquire about this during your initial meeting with a landscape designer.

When it comes to planting, most people think of spring and fall as being ideal times for planting shrubs, trees and other plants that will eventually become part of your yard’s permanent landscape features. 

However, depending on where you live and whether or not your yard has been designed by a professional planting may also take place during summer or winter months (though this should always be done with extreme care).

As far as transplants go… well… There are two types: perennial transplants (which include flowers like tulips) and annuals (which tend to be herbaceous perennials such as pansies).

Hiring reliable and skilled landscaping employees is crucial to achieving the best results for your outdoor space. Our guide on how to find good landscaping employees covers essential tips to help you find the right professionals for the job, from screening candidates to assessing their skills and work ethics.

Hardscapes (Walls, Patio, Etc)

Hardscapes are the hard surfaces of your yard, such as walls, patios and walkways. They can be used to add beauty and functionality to your yard. 

For example, a patio can be used for entertaining or relaxing with friends on a warm evening after work. A walkway could be made from pavers that lead up to your front door so guests know where they’re going when they come over.

A landscaper will typically offer several options for you to choose from when it comes to hardscapes so make sure you know what kind of style you’re looking for before hiring one!


There are three types of landscaping:

  • Seeding
  • Sod/Sodding
  • Hydroseeding

Seeding is the process of spreading seeds over a surface, which can be done with a rake or mechanical spreader. 

Sod refers to planting seedlings in soil, which is done by hand (or sometimes with machines). Hydroseeding involves spreading seed and fertilizer over a surface then spraying water on it to activate the growth of plants (you probably already knew this one since you’ve heard about it so many times).


In conclusion, you should expect nothing but the best from a landscaper. They will make sure that your yard looks beautiful and unique, while also helping you save money in the long run by making it easier for you to maintain.

You’ll have an expert on your side who can answer all your questions about these services (and more).

Further reading

Indeed: Landscaper Job Description – Learn about the responsibilities, qualifications, and skills required for a landscaper job, along with essential job duties and work environment for this field.

Austin Native Landscaping: What to Expect from Landscape Design and Delivery – Find out what services are included in landscape design and delivery process and what the process entails, from initial consultation to final project execution.

Best Pick Reports: 10 Questions to Ask Your Landscaper – Get valuable tips on what to ask your landscaper, from determining their experience level to assessing their insurance and contract requirements.


What qualifications are required to become a landscaper?

Landscapers are typically not required to have formal education, but they need to have specialized knowledge of plants, hardscaping, and irrigation. A degree or certificate in horticulture or landscape design can be helpful, but many landscapers learn on the job.

How much does it cost to hire a professional landscaper?

The cost of hiring a professional landscaper varies depending on the scope of work, location, and the company’s experience. Generally, landscaping projects can range from $500 to $10,000 or more, depending on the size and complexity of the project.

Can landscapers provide maintenance services?

Many landscapers offer maintenance services, including lawn care, pruning, and fertilization, as well as adding mulch and trimming trees. Maintenance contracts typically include weekly or monthly visits to keep the property in peak condition.

Should I ask my landscaper for references?

Yes, asking for references is an essential step in hiring a professional landscaper. It can give you an insight into their quality of work, past performance, and work ethics, and help you make an informed hiring decision.

How long does it take to complete a landscaping project?

The duration of a landscaping project depends on the scope of work and the time of year. Typically, smaller projects may take a few days to complete, while more extensive projects can take several weeks or even months. A professional landscaper can provide an estimate of the timeline based on the project’s complexity.