About Writer – Hellen James

Hello! My name is Hellen James, and I’m a home improvement blogger.

I’ve been blogging about home improvement for the past 16 months, and during that time I’ve learned that people want to know more about their homes and how they can improve them.

That’s why I started writing about home improvement in the first place: because it’s something that affects everyone, and there are so many ways to improve your life at home.

My core values are honesty and transparency. I believe in sharing my experiences openly with readers so that they can learn from what has worked for me but also from what hasn’t worked so well.

I also believe in being honest about my own mistakes, because we all make them! The more transparent you are about where you’ve been, the easier it will be for your readers to trust where you’re going.

My target audience is anyone who wants to learn more about their homes or improve them, but especially people who feel like they don’t know where to start or what questions to ask their contractors or repairmen.