How Do You Fix Landscaping? (Explained)

Don’t have a green thumb? Don’t worry! You can still make your yard look great with these easy tips. And the best part is that they don’t have to be expensive or time-consuming.

Before You Try To Repair Landscape Edging
Key Takeaways
Importance of planning before landscaping
Understanding the climate and soil of the area
Choosing appropriate plants
Proper watering and maintenance
Using hardscaping elements
Incorporating sustainable practices
Enhancing your landscape with lighting and water features
Considering your budget while planning

Add Color

First, you should consider your color palette. It’s important to use a variety of colors in order to create an overall pleasing aesthetic and help draw attention to specific areas. 

You can also use color to make a statement: maybe you want your home’s landscaping to be more modern or traditional, so you’ll choose different shades accordingly.

You might decide that using color is the best way for you to express yourself and show how unique your personality is—and this could even be the case if you’re trying to sell your house! 

If so, consider using lots of bright hues that stand out against other properties nearby; this will attract potential buyers by making yours look like something special (even though we know it already is).

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Repel Pests

To repel pests, plant plants that are known to repel them. Some common ones include lavender, lemon balm, catnip and mint. If you want to attract beneficial insects like ladybugs and butterflies, try planting marigolds or sunflowers instead.

Plants That Repel Pests

PlantPests Repelled
LavenderMosquitoes, flies, fleas
LemongrassMosquitoes, ants, ticks
CatnipMosquitoes, flies, ants
MintAnts, spiders, mosquitoes
MarigoldsAphids, mosquitoes, thrips
SunflowersAphids, leafhoppers, moths
ChrysanthemumsRoaches, fleas, ticks

Note: While these plants may repel pests, it’s important to remember that no plant can provide complete protection against all pests. A combination of different pest control methods may be necessary for effective pest management.

Add Interest

To fix your landscape and make it more interesting, try adding plants in varying heights, textures and colors. Add some low-growing groundcovers, tall shrubs and some medium-height trees with colorful leaves or bark. 

Some plants to consider are garden phlox, wildflowers such as black-eyed Susans and late summer blooming perennials like goldenrod that will fade as the foliage dies back for winter. 

If you live in a warm climate with mild winters where freezing temperatures aren’t a concern (or if you’re willing to bring it inside), consider adding tropical species such as bougainvillea or hibiscus that bloom throughout the year.

As an added bonus, many perennials come back each year—so after they’ve had time to establish themselves in their new home over several seasons they’ll look even better than when first planted!

If you’re planning a home renovation project and want to make sure you’re covering all the bases, check out Unified Haven’s guide on how to plan a home renovation project. Avoid costly mistakes and create the home of your dreams with these expert tips.

Add a path

Adding a path to your landscape is an excellent way to improve the safety and appearance of your property. Paths can be made from concrete, brick, stone, gravel or wood and should be at least three feet wide.

A good rule of thumb is that if you can’t place two wheelbarrows side by side on it without them overlapping too much then it’s not wide enough for a path!

Paths need to be well maintained in order for them to last properly. You will want to make sure they are level so that those using them don’t trip over any high areas or low ones when walking along them. 

Also remember that the length of a walkway should match up with its width – if you have a six foot long walkway then try making it at least six feet wide so people aren’t forced into single file lines while going down one side!

Make a Statement

If you want to make a statement, then statement plants are your best bet. These are bold and colorful plants that can add drama to the space they occupy. They’re often large, so they stand out when placed near other plants or even on their own.

Statement plants come in all shapes and sizes; some even grow into trees! It’s important that you know how big your planting area is before choosing one of these guys as it will determine whether or not it can be used as part of an outdoor decorating scheme. 

f you have enough room for a large focal point like this one by [company name], then go ahead and get creative with how you use it in order to create a theme throughout the backyard landscape design project

When it comes to fixing plumbing issues, it’s important to have a solid understanding of what you’re doing. Check out Unified Haven’s guide on how to fix plumbing issues like a pro for comprehensive information on how to tackle some of the most common plumbing problems.

Make it Edible

Edible plants are a great way to add color and visual appeal to your garden, especially if you’re looking for something other than green. 

In addition to being aesthetically pleasing, edible plants can also help attract bees and other wildlife that will enhance the overall health of your garden.

Use edible ground covers. Ground covers are an easy way to add color and texture without breaking the bank on expensive plants or flowers. 

Edible ground covers include herbs like oregano and thyme; violets; fruit bushes like blueberries and raspberries; strawberries; mints (make sure you know which ones are safe); lettuces; chives; artichokes; Jerusalem artichokes (also known as sunchokes), alpine strawberries, rhubarb—the list goes on!

Edible Plants to Add to Your Garden

TomatoesEasy to grow, flavorful fruit that can be eaten raw or cooked.
LettuceFast-growing leafy green that can be harvested for salads and sandwiches.
StrawberriesSweet, juicy fruit that can be eaten fresh or used in desserts.
PeppersSpicy or sweet fruit that can be eaten fresh or cooked.
BlueberriesAntioxidant-rich fruit that can be eaten fresh, baked into pies or muffins, or used in smoothies.
Herbs (basil, rosemary, thyme, etc.)Flavorful and aromatic leaves that can be used to season dishes or brewed into tea.
Green beansA high-yielding, easy-to-grow vegetable that can be eaten steamed, roasted, or in casseroles.
CarrotsSweet, crunchy root vegetables that can be eaten raw or cooked.

Note: When planting edible plants, be sure to research the proper care and growing conditions for each type of plant. Some may require specific soil conditions, watering schedules, or pest control measures.

Add Some Green Space

Now that you’ve created a sense of depth, it’s time to add some green space. You can do this by planting grass or other plants. 

The landscaper will use plants in various sizes and colors to give the illusion of depth and dimension. They should be in scale with the size of your house so that they don’t look too small or too large in comparison to your home.

If you’ve had to repair a damaged wall, you know how difficult it can be to blend in the new texture. Fortunately, our guide on how to match texture on wall repair has got you covered. Follow our step-by-step instructions and you’ll have those walls looking as good as new in no time.

Control the Water

Drip irrigation is a great way to conserve water and avoid an ugly, worn-out lawn. It can also be more cost effective than circulating sprinklers because you’re only watering the parts of your garden that need it.

Rain barrels are great for collecting rainwater from your roof in a large container instead of letting it run off into gutters, which then carry it into storm drains and out to sea. Rain barrels can be used for gardening, car washing (you know you want to), indoor plants and more!

Water timers are another great tool for regulating how much water goes where when you’re irrigating your plants or lawns. A water timer will automatically turn on at set intervals so that you don’t have to worry about forgetting every time—even if you’re not home during those times!

A rain sensor detects whether or not it’s been raining recently enough (or long enough) before activating its connected device like an automated sprinkler system so that they don’t waste energy spraying when there isn’t actually any moisture present yet–which means less wasted resources overall!”

Use Plants as Ground Coverings

If you’re looking to cover up bare soil, ground covers are a great option. They also work well as visual barriers and physical barriers when used to keep weeds away from your lawn or garden. 

For example, if you want to create a path through your yard but don’t want people walking directly on your grass, plant some beautiful flowers or shrubs along the path instead of laying sod down.

While you can use plants alone as ground covers in many situations, they can also be used alongside other materials like mulch or gravel to increase their effectiveness at covering up unwanted features in your yard.

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Use Shapes to Create Depth and Dimension

How do you create depth? By using shapes, of course! The simplest way to add depth to your garden is with different sizes and shapes of spaces. 

You can use circles, squares, triangles and rectangles (a rectangle is an extended square). Use the same shape in different colors for more interest and dimension. 

Use your imagination when placing the shapes in your space you can group them in a pattern or scatter them randomly across the lawn.


The main thing to remember when working on your landscape is that it should always be a reflection of your personality and style. 

You can accomplish this by using plants with strong colors, shapes or textures. Most importantly though, keep it simple! 

Don’t get too crazy with all the details because at the end of the day it’s supposed to work well within the context of your home.

Further Reading

If you want to know more about landscaping and related topics, check out these helpful resources:

Everything You Need to Know About Using and Installing Landscape Fabric – Learn about the benefits of landscape fabric and how to use it effectively in your landscaping projects.

WaterSense Landscaping Tips – Get tips and tricks for designing and maintaining a water-efficient landscape that’s good for the environment and your wallet.

DIY Landscape Design Tip: Create a Tree Bed – Discover a simple and effective way to highlight your favorite trees and add dimension to your yard with a tree bed.


What are some common landscaping mistakes to avoid?

Some common landscaping mistakes to avoid include choosing the wrong plants for your climate, over- or under-watering your plants, and neglecting regular maintenance such as pruning and mulching.

How can I design a low-maintenance landscape?

To design a low-maintenance landscape, choose plants that are native to your area and require less watering and maintenance. You can also consider incorporating hardscaping like rocks and gravel to reduce the need for plant maintenance.

What are some popular landscaping trends?

Some popular landscaping trends include incorporating edible gardens, using sustainable landscaping practices, and creating outdoor living spaces with fire pits and comfortable seating.

How can I incorporate water features into my landscape?

Water features like ponds, fountains, and waterfalls can add a peaceful and calming element to your landscape. Consider the size and style of your yard and choose a water feature that fits your needs and preferences.

What are some budget-friendly landscaping ideas?

There are many budget-friendly landscaping ideas you can try, such as using mulch and gravel to cover large areas, incorporating native plants that require less maintenance, and repurposing items like old tires or pallets as planters.