Where To Sell Plumbing Supplies? (Suggestions)

If you’re a plumber, plumbing supplies are an integral part of your business. If you work out of a home office and need to travel to your customer’s locations, it can be challenging to keep track of your inventory and ensure that what they need is in stock. 

If you’re looking for ways to sell plumbing supplies without the commitment or overhead costs associated with a brick-and-mortar store, consider some of these options:

How to ETHICALLY Get More Plumbing Sales TODAY!
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1. Sell Online

You can sell plumbing supplies online through the following marketplaces:

Online marketplaces: Online marketplaces like Amazon and eBay are great places to sell your goods, because they have millions of customers looking for what you’re selling. 

You’ll also be able to find out how much other people are charging for similar products and set your prices accordingly. And it’s easy to list items on these sites; all you need is an account with each one, which usually costs nothing or very little money upfront.

Etsy: If you have handmade goods that aren’t easily found in stores, consider selling them on Etsy (or another e-commerce site). 

This will give people who appreciate quality craftsmanship an opportunity to get their hands on it—and it could help boost your business if enough buyers see your work!

Looking for affordable plumbing supplies? Check our guide on where to buy cheap plumbing supplies to learn about the best places to buy affordable plumbing supplies.

2. Amazon

Amazon is a great platform to sell products. It has a large base of customers, it’s well-known for its credibility and reliability, and it provides users with the opportunity for feedback.

When you sell your plumbing supplies through Amazon, your products will be available for purchase globally. 

This can be very beneficial if you have an online store or an offline store (like a brick-and-mortar location) that doesn’t have all the supplies needed by its customers at all times. With Amazon’s global reach, you’ll never run out of customers!

Benefits of Selling on Amazon

Large Customer BaseAmazon has a massive user base, providing sellers with access to millions of potential customers from around the world.
Credibility and ReliabilityAmazon is a trusted brand that is known for its excellent customer service, fast delivery times, and secure payment processing. This reputation can help build trust with buyers and increase sales.
Feedback SystemAmazon allows customers to leave feedback on purchases, which can help sellers improve their products and services and attract more customers.
Built-In Marketing ToolsAmazon provides sellers with a variety of marketing tools, such as sponsored product ads and deals, to help them promote their products and reach new customers.
Easy to Use Seller InterfaceAmazon provides sellers with a simple and user-friendly interface that makes it easy to manage listings, inventory, and orders.
Reliable Payment ProcessingAmazon handles payment processing, so sellers don’t have to worry about handling sensitive payment information or managing transactions. Payments are processed quickly and securely.
Fulfillment ServicesAmazon’s fulfillment services can make it easier for sellers to manage inventory and shipping by handling storage, packaging, and shipping on behalf of the seller.
International SellingAmazon allows sellers to sell products globally, opening up new markets and opportunities for growth.

3. eBay

eBay is a great place to sell your plumbing supplies because it’s so well known, and the product descriptions and photos you use will help customers see the items in detail.

You can list your products on eBay for free, and if you need help creating an effective listing or writing good copy for it (the words shoppers see when they look at your item), there are plenty of resources available from eBay itself. 

You can also set up an eBay store, which gives people who visit your page all kinds of helpful information about what you’re selling.

Amazon is another great site for selling plumbing supplies—it has a massive customer base that spans all ages and backgrounds, so if anyone has ever shopped on Amazon before (and chances are they have), then they’ll be familiar with buying products there too. 

Amazon fees vary depending upon what type of seller account you opt into; even if you choose not to take advantage of these paid services now, they may offer benefits later down the line once business starts booming!

Plumbing issues can be quite frustrating. Our expert-level plumbing pro guide explains how to fix common plumbing issues in your home.

4. Alibaba

Alibaba is a great place to sell your products. It’s one of the most recognized Chinese companies, with a large customer base and easy set-up process.

The downside? There are lots of other sellers on Alibaba, so you’ll have to compete for attention.

5. Etsy

Etsy is a website where you can sell your handmade, vintage, and craft items. Etsy has a large following of customers who are interested in buying products like these. It’s also easy to set up an account on Etsy and start selling your products there.

Etsy has a large community of sellers and buyers, so you won’t have any trouble finding customers for your plumbing supplies. In fact, if you’re having trouble getting sales from other sites and social media platforms, try selling your products on Etsy instead!

Need plumbing blueprints? Check our guide on finding plumbing blueprints to learn some of the best places to find free or paid plumbing blueprints.

6. Craigslist

Craigslist is an online classifieds site that’s been around since 1995, with more than 50 million active users. It’s a place to list and find everything from jobs and housing to cars, services and goods for sale. 

Plumbing supply stores can use Craigslist to sell their excess inventory quickly—and for free!

Benefits of Craigslist

Wide Range of ListingsCraigslist offers a diverse range of listings for users, including jobs, housing, goods, and services. This allows sellers to reach a large audience with a variety of interests and needs.
Free to UseCraigslist is free to use for both buyers and sellers, making it an affordable option for listing products and services.
Local FocusedCraigslist is designed to help buyers and sellers connect within their local area, making it an excellent option for selling locally or for those who prefer to buy local.
High TrafficCraigslist has more than 50 million active users, providing sellers with a large audience to market their products and services.
Easy to Post ListingsCraigslist has a simple and user-friendly interface that makes it easy for sellers to post listings quickly and efficiently.
No Seller FeesUnlike many other online marketplaces, Craigslist does not charge sellers any fees for posting listings or making sales.
No Payment ProcessingCraigslist does not handle payment processing, so sellers must communicate and arrange payment directly with buyers. This can provide sellers more control over payment and can avoid additional payment processing fees.

7. Hardware Stores and Home Improvement Centers

Hardware stores and home improvement centers are good places to sell your products. It is likely that the people who shop at hardware stores or home improvement centers are interested in purchasing plumbing supplies. 

Make sure you have a good product and then set up a booth at a home show or talk to the manager of the store. You can also list your products on their website as well as other sites such as Amazon and eBay

Are you aware of the benefits of plumbing? To learn more about the advantages of plumbing, including water conservation, check out our guide on the advantages of plumbing.

8. Plumbing Supply Wholesalers and Distributors

If you want to sell plumbing supplies wholesale, there are two main ways to find your audience. The first is to search for plumbing supply wholesalers and distributors online. 

These companies buy products in bulk and then sell them at a discount to retailers who need plumbers’ tools and fixtures on a regular basis. If you’re not sure how to get started, look into the National Association of Wholesaler-Distributors (NAWD). This nonprofit organization has a directory of its members that’s helpful for finding a wholesaler or distributor in your area.

The second method for finding plumbing supply wholesalers and distributors is through networking with local plumbers or contractors. You can also call around local hardware stores until someone tells you where they buy their supplies from—it’s probably somewhere nearby!

9. Classified Ads in Printed Publications

The pros of using the classifieds for your plumbing supply business are that you can reach a large number of potential customers. 

Many people do not have access to the internet and don’t even know what it is. Classified ads in printed publications still exist, and many people still read them. This means you have a chance at getting your ad seen by a lot of people who could buy from you if they take action and call or visit one of your stores or websites!

Obviously there are some cons as well: You’ll be competing with other businesses for space in the publication, but this can be overcome by researching which keywords work best for bringing in customers online (and then putting those keywords into your ad). 

Another issue is that some publications charge more than others do; if they’re charging too much money then try another magazine instead!

Running plumbing can be tricky, especially for beginners. Check our expert advice on running plumbing to learn some tips from experienced professionals that will help you run plumbing properly.

10. Join a Tradesmen Network or Association

You can build your company’s brand, create stronger relationships with customers and keep up to date with industry news by joining a tradesmen network or association.

  • Trade Shows and Exhibitions

A tradesmen network or association can get you in touch with other members who may be interested in your products or services. 

You can also meet new customers who might not otherwise have found you. Most exhibitions are attended by people looking for products and services like yours so this is an excellent way of introducing yourself to potential buyers.* Join a local business networking group

You could also join a local business networking group where you’ll get the chance to meet others who are running similar businesses to yourself. These groups will often organise regular events which give members opportunities to share ideas and best practise tips.* Build a strong online presence

By having an online presence, like building up a website or blog, you’ll be able to reach more people than ever before – even those living overseas! 

It’s also easier than ever before thanks to cheap hosting packages from providers such as Bluehost and HostGator (if you’re looking for hosting providers then check out our article about web hosting). 

By promoting yourself through these channels too then there should be no doubt about how successful your business has become over time.”

11. Local Business Networking Groups

If you’re a plumber and looking to sell some plumbing supplies, then you’ve got plenty of options. Perhaps the most common way is through local business networking groups.

These are events where people gather to talk about their businesses, meet other business owners and make new connections. 

These can be anything from simply having lunch with a few friends or colleagues to hosting an event in a conference room at your office building.

If you’ve never been to one before, it might seem like there’s no point in going—what could possibly come out of it? 

But trust me when I say that every meeting I have ever attended has resulted in either new leads (potential customers), or even better: referrals from other people who heard what we had talked about during our meeting!

12. Trade Shows, Exhibitions, and Fairs

Trade shows are a great way to network with potential clients. You can meet people face to face, and build relationships. 

You can also make new contacts and find out what is happening in the industry. Trade shows will let you get your products into the hands of potential customers.

You may not have time for this one just yet, but if you are hoping to grow your business as a plumber, it’s worth considering as an option down the road.

13. Contractors’ Yards like the one you work for! (good idea right?!)

Who better to buy your products from than the people who will be using them? Contractors and plumbing contractors are always looking for the best deals on supplies and are always looking for good quality products.

They can also spread the word about your company and its products to their clients, which is a great way to build up relationships with potential customers.


I hope this list gave you some ideas on where to sell your plumbing supplies. As with any business, there are many options out there and it’s up to you which one works best for your needs. Good luck!

Further Reading

Here are some additional resources to help you learn more about selling plumbing supplies:

EquipNet Plumbing Parts: EquipNet offers an extensive selection of plumbing parts for sale, ranging from pipes to pumps and everything in between.

BSCO Incorporated: BSCO Incorporated buys and sells a wide variety of surplus plumbing supplies, making it easy to liquidate extra inventory.

Captain Tool: Captain Tool offers comprehensive resources for those looking to sell their plumbing fixtures and supplies.


What types of plumbing supplies can I sell?

You can sell a wide range of plumbing supplies, including fixtures, pipes, valves, pumps, and more.

Can I sell used plumbing supplies?

Yes, you can sell both new and used plumbing supplies, but be sure to clearly indicate their condition in your listings.

Where can I find resources to help me sell my plumbing supplies?

There are many online marketplaces, like eBay, Amazon, and Facebook Marketplace, where you can sell your plumbing supplies. Additionally, you can also work with specialist buyers and brokers who can help you sell your supplies.

How do I determine the value of my plumbing supplies?

The value of your plumbing supplies will depend on several factors, including their condition, brand, and current market demand. Consider researching similar products to see what they are selling for to get a general idea of what you can expect to earn.

What information should I include in my plumbing supplies listing?

When creating a listing for your plumbing supplies, be sure to include as much information as possible about the product, including its condition, specifications, and any defects or damages. High-quality images can also help attract potential buyers.