How Do You Run Plumbing? (Expert Advice)

Good plumbing makes life easier and more comfortable. Bad plumbing can be a nightmare! Here are some tips for avoiding problems with your pipes, drains, and other plumbing systems.

10 DIY Plumbing Mistakes and How to Fix Them (+Tips & Tricks)
Key Takeaways for “How Do You Run Plumbing: Expert Advice”
Understand the basics of pipe materials and sizing.
Take into account factors such as water pressure and access.
Be aware of local codes and regulations when planning plumbing projects.
Learn how to fix common plumbing issues such as clogged drains and leaky faucets.
Consider financing options for major plumbing repairs.
Regular maintenance and inspections can prevent costly plumbing emergencies.

Know Your Local Plumbing Laws

When it comes to plumbing, there are many regulations that you must abide by. If you don’t know where to look, your job will become much more difficult. 

You need to research your local plumbing codes and build off of those standards when installing new fixtures or repairing existing ones.

Below are some examples of what you should check into when planning your next project:

Local plumbing codes (these will tell you how much piping is allowed in a given location).

Local building codes (these determine if any specific materials or products can be used in construction).

Local zoning laws (if they exist). If they do not exist, then this section has no value for our purposes here today! But if they do exist…then read on!

Water quality regulations, including standards for testing and treating water before distribution through public pipes; wastewater treatment methods; restrictions on discharging wastewater into streams or rivers without prior approval from state officials (you may also want to check online references such as these.).

When running plumbing pipes, it is important to consider factors such as water pressure, pipe material, and fittings. Our pro tips guide on how to run plumbing pipes can help you ensure a successful installation and avoid common mistakes such as poor planning or incorrect sizing.

Sewer and septic systems

Sewer and septic systems are often required by local building codes.

Sewer systems, which carry waste water away from your home, need to be connected to the city sewer system. 

If you live in a small town or rural area with no municipal sewer service, you may want to consider installing individual septic tanks and drain fields (or “perc” fields) instead of connecting to public sewer lines. 

The installation of these systems requires specialized equipment and expertise; if you’re interested in this option, be sure that your contractor is licensed.

Septic tanks treat waste water before it flows into groundwater; they use bacteria to break down solids like food scraps into simple molecules that can be used by plants as nutrients and oxygenated water for drinking purposes. 

These tanks must be pumped out periodically—usually every three years—to remove accumulated sludge from inside them (this job typically costs about $200 per tank). 

Moreover, since plumbing repairs tend not only t do well job but also save money over time: Plumbing repairs could include replacing a leaky toilet , fixing clogged sinks or repairing broken pipes .

Sewer and Septic Systems

Sewer SystemsSeptic Systems
Connect to the city sewer systemContain and treat waste water on-site
Required by local building codesRequired by local building codes
Maintenance is typically handled by the cityRegular maintenance is required by homeowners
Can be more costly to install and maintainCan be less costly to install but may require more frequent maintenance
May be necessary for areas with high population densityMay be necessary for areas without access to city sewer systems

This table provides a comparison between sewer and septic systems, highlighting some of the main differences and similarities between the two. It emphasizes the importance of complying with local building codes and regulations regarding waste water treatment and provides insight on the pros and cons of each system.

Water quality at the tap

Water quality is important. It affects the taste of your coffee, tea, and food. It makes it hard to wash dishes or clothes in your home.

You can check water quality by looking at a report from your local utility company that shows you how many contaminants are in your water source. This is called Total Dissolved Solids (TDS).

If you want to know more about TDS, click here!

There are several ways that water treatment systems could affect TDS levels:

A filter system might be used to remove some of the sediment before it comes out of the tap, which would lower its TDS level.

Filters designed for specific contaminants will remove them from the water before it comes out at your tap or faucet (the spout where you see bubbles when using hot water). 

For example, chlorine filters remove chlorine from your drinking water so that it doesn’t harm your health when consumed; lead filters reduce lead content by 97% or more depending on the type and strength of filter used; 

Fluoride removal devices decrease fluoride content by 95% or more depending on what type and strength device is used; 

Phosphorous removal devices reduce phosphorous content by 90% or more depending upon which kind/strength device one uses while other devices may only reduce phosphorous levels by 30-40%.

Plumbing vent stacks play a crucial role in ensuring the proper drainage and ventilation of your plumbing system. If you’re unsure how to find your vent stack or what it does, our guide on plumbing vent stacks can help you understand why it’s important and how to locate it.

Drain location and plumbing venting

Plumbing drains should be located away from doors, windows and vents. Plumbing drains should be accessible for cleaning. 

Plumbing drains should be at least 12 inches from the floor.

Venting requirements vary by region so check with your local building authority to ensure that your venting is adequate for your area’s needs.

Drain Location and Plumbing Venting

Considerations for Drain LocationConsiderations for Plumbing Venting
Drains should be located away from doors, windows, and vents to prevent unpleasant odors from entering the houseProper venting is necessary to prevent draining issues and harmful gas buildup
Drains should be easily accessible for cleaning and maintenance purposesIncorrect venting can lead to problems such as clogged pipes, slow draining, or even water damage
Pipes should be installed at the correct angle to ensure proper drainage and avoid blockagesVent pipes should be installed in a manner that prevents them from becoming blocked or obstructed
Certain types of drains, such as basement floor drains, may require a backup prevention device to avoid flooding in case of a blockage higher in the systemVenting requirements may vary based on the plumbing fixture, distance of the fixture from the main stack, and applicable local codes
Proper installation and maintenance of drain and venting systems can prevent costly repairs and ensure the safety and comfort of the home’s inhabitantsHiring a professional plumber can ensure that drain and venting systems are installed correctly and meet all applicable codes and regulations

This table provides considerations for drain location and plumbing venting, emphasizing the importance of proper installation and maintenance to prevent issues such as odors, blockages, and harmful gas buildup. The table provides a comparison of the important considerations for both, and will help readers to make plans accordingly.

Toilet positioning

Toilets should be located near a water source. It’s important that you have access to running water when you need it, so place your toilet close to your kitchen sink or bathtub. If these options aren’t available, consider placing the toilet near a shower or bathtub.

Place your toilet so that it drains in the right direction. This is especially important for older homes with cast iron drain lines and waste pipes that don’t have much give in them—you’ll want those pipes as far away from your new fixtures as possible!

DIY plumbing fixes can save you time and money, but it’s important to know what you’re doing to avoid causing more damage or injury. Our pro guide to fixing plumbing issues covers common problems such as clogged drains, leaky faucets, and broken pipes, with step-by-step instructions and safety tips.

Bathroom rough-ins and tub/shower locations

Bathroom rough-ins and tub/shower locations

A bathroom has many elements that must be installed properly in order to function properly, such as:

Bathrooms need a toilet. The location of the toilet should be determined by the size of the bathroom and also whether it is a one-piece or two-piece design. A two-piece design will allow for more room around the toilet. 

The height of your ceiling may also affect how far apart you place your fixtures in relation to one another.

For example, if your ceiling is low, then it’s best not to locate your fixtures too high up because it will make them difficult for people who are tall or large framed individuals to reach without straining their backs unnecessarily. 

If this becomes an issue with regards to fit within your budget constraints then consider lowering ceilings instead! Plumbing codes can get confusing sometimes but don’t fret; just remember what makes sense based on common sense principles above all else!

Kitchen rough-in points and sink configuration

  • Kitchen sink location
  • Kitchen sink size
  • Kitchen sink type: undermount, drop-in, vessel or farmhouse?
  • Kitchen sink design: what will it look like and how many holes do you want?
  • Kitchen sink faucet location (supply line and tailpiece)
  • Waste disposal location

Major home repairs can be expensive and stressful, but there are several ways to pay for them, such as home equity loans, personal loans, or using a credit card. Our pro tips on how to pay for home repairs cover the pros and cons of each option, as well as tips on budgeting and financing.

Laying Out the Pipes

Laying out your pipes is an important part of the process, but it doesn’t have to be complicated. Many people use a plumbing plan that contains all of the information about where pipes will be placed. 

However, you can also simply lay out your own plan and mark where each pipe should go with chalk or paint. If you want to do this yourself, make sure to know exactly where your pipes will go before beginning construction or digging.

It’s best if you use a plumbing plan that is specific to your house and location (some plans are available online). You may find one at home improvement stores or from plumbers in your area; otherwise, try doing an internet search for “plumbing plans.”

By Planning Your Plumbing Carefully, You Can Reduce Unexpected Problems

When it comes to plumbing, planning is key. The more carefully you plan, the less likely you are to face unexpected problems later on. 

If you’re doing a large project like installing a whole-house water filtration system or remodeling your kitchen and bathroom at once, consider hiring an expert plumber to help with the design and installation. 

If your project is smaller (like replacing a faucet), there’s no reason why you can’t do it yourself as long as you have some basic knowledge of what goes where and how everything works together.

Plumbing can be complicated—but we won’t let that stop us! We’re going to take on this DIY project with confidence because we know what it takes: careful planning and plenty of patience during installation. 

This way, we’ll know exactly what’s going into our new home’s plumbing system so we don’t run into any surprises down the road!

Saving for home repairs is an important part of being a homeowner, but it can be challenging to balance your other financial priorities. Our pro tips on how to save for home repairs cover strategies such as setting a budget, creating a renovation plan, and maximizing your savings through smart investments or refinancing.


Plumbing is a great DIY project if you’re willing to take the time to do it right. There are lots of resources available online and in books that can help you plan your project and make sure you know what you’re doing before starting any work.

Further Reading

For more information on plumbing, check out these helpful resources:

Forbes Home Improvement offers tips on DIY plumbing and Ask the Contractor advice for homeowners looking to take on their own plumbing projects.

The experts at Tiger Plumbing Services share 101 plumbing tips and tricks in this LinkedIn post.

Simply Green Plumbing provides nine tips from plumbing experts that every homeowner should know in this blog post covering topics such as water efficiency and preventative maintenance.


What are some common plumbing issues and how can they be fixed?

Some common plumbing issues include clogged drains, leaky faucets, running toilets, and low water pressure. Fixing these issues may require simple solutions such as snaking a drain or replacing a washer, or more complex repairs such as replacing a pipe or fixing a valve.

How do I know if there’s a plumbing issue in my home?

Some signs of plumbing issues include slow drains, foul smells, water stains, unusual sounds, low water pressure, or high water bills. If you notice any of these signs, it’s important to have a professional plumber diagnose the issue.

How can I prevent plumbing issues from happening in the first place?

Preventative maintenance is key to avoiding plumbing issues. This may include regular drain cleaning, inspection of pipes and valves, checking for leaks, and installing water-efficient fixtures and appliances.

Should I try to fix plumbing issues myself?

While some plumbing issues may be simple enough to fix on your own, it’s always recommended to hire a professional plumber for more complex or potentially dangerous repairs. Attempting to fix plumbing issues without the proper knowledge or tools can lead to further damage or injury.

How can I choose a reputable plumber?

When choosing a plumber, look for one that is licensed and insured, has positive reviews and referrals, provides transparent pricing, and offers a warranty or guarantee for their work.