What Are Minor Home Repairs? (Explained)

We all have those little tasks that we’d love to do, but that just don’t seem worth the effort. For example, fixing a doorbell or tightening a knob they’re not major problems and they don’t take long to fix, but they’re just so minor! 

However, if you’ve ever noticed yourself shrugging off these simple little projects for months or even years on end, it’s time to break the cycle. 

If you want your home to feel more comfortable and livable without spending thousands of dollars (or more), then consider these easy-to-do minor home repairs:

Minor Service Explained
Understanding the difference between major and minor home repairs can help you determine which repairs you can tackle on your own and which ones require professional assistance.
You can save money by doing minor home repairs yourself, but it’s important to know your limits and when to call a professional.
Learning basic repair skills and having the right tools on hand can help you handle many common home repairs with ease.
There are plenty of online resources, guides, and tutorials available to help you learn how to do minor home repairs yourself.
Some of the most common minor home repairs include fixing leaky faucets, unclogging drains, replacing light fixtures, and patching holes in walls or ceilings.

Unstick A Window

If a window is stuck, you may be tempted to kick it in or ask your friends to push against the glass until it gives way. But those options can be costly and messy. Instead, try these suggestions:

Clean the window. Dust and other debris can get on the track of a stuck window and make it harder for the pane to slide back into place. 

Use a sponge or cloth with warm water and mild detergent to wipe down the tracks on both sides of your window before attempting to open them again. Also clean any smudges from inside of your home’s glass as well; this will give you cleaner lines for easier movement next time around.

Use lubricant spray on both sides of each track before attempting to move them back into place (and after cleaning them). 

Spray one side first so that when you try opening up your home’s windows again, they’ll slide easily along their tracks without sticking again at all! If this doesn’t work either—or if there’s no space available between two pieces—then consider trying one of our other tips below instead!

If you’re facing plumbing issues at home, it’s always wise to have a basic understanding of how to fix them. Check out our in-depth guide on how to fix plumbing issues to learn how to diagnose common problems and solve them on your own without hiring a plumber.

Patch A Chip In The Wall

If you have a chip in the wall that is small and not too noticeable, use a patch kit to repair it. Patch kits are available at home improvement stores and can be easily applied with a putty knife. 

You simply mix the patching compound with water to make it wet enough to adhere to the surface of your wall and then apply it directly over the area where you need repair. Let it dry for 24 hours before sanding down any rough edges or bumps from applying too much pressure during application.

Once all repairs are completed, you should repaint or wallpaper over them so they blend in with surrounding areas of your home’s décor.

Steps to Patch a Chip in the Wall

1.Pick up a patch kit: Purchase a wall patch kit from your local hardware or home improvement store that includes a self-adhesive mesh patch, spackling paste, and a putty knife.
2.Prepare the area: Clean the area around the chip with a damp cloth to remove any dust, dirt, or debris.
3.Apply the patch mesh: Peel off the backing from the self-adhesive mesh patch and apply it over the chip.
4.Spread the spackling paste: Use a putty knife to spread the spackling paste over the patch mesh in a thin layer, making sure to fill in any gaps or cracks around the edges.
5.Smooth and feather the edges: Gently smooth out the spackling paste with the putty knife, blending it into the surrounding wall surface.
6.Let the patch dry: Allow the patch to dry completely according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
7.Sand and paint: Once the patch is dry, use fine-grit sandpaper to smooth down any rough spots. Then, paint the patch with a color that matches the surrounding wall.

Following these simple steps can save you from calling a professional and can save you money in the long run.

Replace A Doorbell

Removing the old doorbell: The first step is to remove the old doorbell. You can do this by unscrewing it from the inside of your wall and pulling it out.

Installing the new doorbell: Next, install your new digital doorbell. To do this, simply screw the two halves back together (that’s right—it’s that easy!).

Testing your new digital doorbell: Once you’ve screwed everything back together, make sure everything works by pressing a button on your phone app or at an external push button. If all is well, you’ll hear a loud chime!

Cleaning up after installing your digital doorbell: Don’t forget to clean up after yourself! It’s always good practice to put things back where they came from so that no one gets hurt or confused later on down the line.

If you’re planning to become a plumber or simply want to test your knowledge, taking the plumbing test can be a challenge. To prepare for the plumbing test, check out our detailed article on how hard the plumbing test is to get an idea of what to expect and how to prepare for it.

Tighten A Knob Or Hinge

If you have a door or drawer that won’t stay shut, or a knob that feels loose and wobbly, it’s time to tighten it. This is one of the easiest repairs you can do at home. You’ll need:

  • A screwdriver or drill with the correct bit
  • A rubber mallet (if your wrench has plastic parts)

First, make sure that knobs and hinges are tight before beginning any work on them. If they’re not, start by removing them from their openings using either a screwdriver or power tool in order to access the screws underneath. 

Then carefully tighten all screws using your screwdriver and/or drill until any loose hardware is firmly secured in place again. Finally, test out whether everything is working properly before reinstalling your knobs and hinges into place—you should be good as new!

Steps to Tighten a Knob or Hinge

1.Gather your tools: You’ll need a screwdriver (flathead or Phillips) and a pair of pliers for this repair.
2.Remove the screws: Use the screwdriver to loosen and remove the screws from the knob or hinge.
3.Tighten the screw holes: If the screw holes are stripped or worn out, use the pliers to gently grip and turn the screw holes to tighten them.
4.Add a toothpick (optional): If the screw holes are too big or worn out, you can add a toothpick or two to the holes before inserting the screws. This will create more grip and a tighter fit.
5.Reattach the knob or hinge: Place the knob or hinge back into its original position and insert the screws. Use the screwdriver to tighten the screws until they are snug.
6.Test the knob or hinge: Check to see if the knob or hinge is now properly secured and working as intended. If not, repeat the process or consider replacing the knob or hinge.

By knowing these simple steps you can easily tackle this common home repair and keep your doors and drawers secure without having to hire a handyman.

Paint A Room

Vacate the room, and have all furniture moved to the center of the room.

Cover up any exposed walls, windows and fixtures you don’t want painted (doors are a good idea as well). You can use cardboard or plastic sheets from your local hardware store if you don’t have drop cloths lying around.

Use a paint roller with an extension pole for large areas like walls and ceilings; for smaller areas like trim and molding, use paint brushes instead. For extra smoothness on freshly painted surfaces, lightly sand the surface before painting over it with primer.

Whether you’re doing a home renovation, replacing old plumbing, or simply need to move pipes around, removing plumbing can be a daunting task. To learn how to remove plumbing easily and safely, check out our complete guide on how to remove plumbing that provides step-by-step instructions and useful tips.

Replace A Light Switch Or Outlet Cover

Replacing a light switch or an outlet cover is one of the most straightforward minor home repairs. 

It’s also an easy job to do without any special tools, though you will need one or two extras depending on how old your wiring is and how long the screws are that hold in the new cover plate.

To replace a light switch:

Turn off power to the box at which you’re working by flipping breakers in your main electrical panel or pulling fuses out of their holders. Use circuit tester probes if needed for confirmation that there are no live wires touching each other (the tester should light up).

Remove old mounting screws from fixture box (or remove wire nuts from new fixture) using screwdriver and flathead screwdriver as needed—and save them! You won’t be able to reuse them on your new switch, but they might come in handy when another project arises down the road.

Place new mounting screws into holes where they will go during installation it helps keep things straight if you use masking tape or even old electrical tape to mark where these holes are located before taking them out so you can put them back in exactly as they were originally positioned. 

Install washers (if provided) onto each screw before putting it back into its hole so it doesn’t fall through once tightened into place with pliers or another tool like needle nosed pliers (which may be used instead). 

If necessary, measure length between each terminal block segment before installing new wires this step is especially important if replacing an older style toggle switch with newer type switches because many manufacturers have moved away from using wire nut connections for these types of setups due too much weight applied during use causing internal breakage within terminals themselves.

Repair Minor Cracks In The Ceiling Or Walls

You can repair minor cracks in the ceiling or walls using joint compound. The process is the same for both types of repairs:

First, use a putty knife to smooth and level the compound. Let it dry for at least 24 hours before painting over it. 

If you want to add texture to your patched area, you can use sandpaper or an electric sander once it’s dried enough that no more moisture will be trapped between coats of paint. 

Afterward, use a damp rag to clean off any excess compound that might have gotten on surrounding areas during application (or smeared onto things during cleanup).

Major home repairs can be expensive, and figuring out how to pay for them can be a challenge. To learn about various payment options and resources, check out our comprehensive article on how people pay for major home repairs that covers everything from homeowner’s insurance to financing options.

Unclog The Kitchen Sink

One of the most common minor repairs is cleaning out a clogged kitchen sink. The first step is to use a plunger or drain snake to try and remove the blockage. 

If that doesn’t work, you can try pouring in some chemical drain cleaner. Finally, if all else fails, you can use a wet/dry vac or call a plumber to get the job done.

Fix A Broken Shelf

Remove the item from the shelf and place it on a table or other flat surface.

If your shelf is wooden, clean off any dirt buildup with a damp cloth. Then use a dry cloth to wipe away any excess moisture.

If you have particleboard shelves, use a plastic putty knife to apply joint compound along the edges of each shelf where they meet at the corners. Wait for this joint compound to dry completely before proceeding with step 4.

Once the joint compound has dried completely (a few hours), run your finger along its edge to make sure it feels smooth and even; if it does not feel smooth or there are still visible gaps between any two pieces of wood/particleboard, apply more joint compound until you’ve smoothed out all visible gaps in this fashion!

 Now let this new layer of joint compound dry for another several hours before continuing on…

To keep your plumbing system running smoothly and avoid costly repairs, it’s essential to know how to run your plumbing properly. Check out our expert advice on how to run plumbing effectively and efficiently, featuring tips on maintaining your plumbing, detecting leaks, and avoiding clogs.

Silicone A Leaky Shower Head And Faucet Handles

Silicone can be used to seal a leaky shower head and faucet handles. It is easy to apply, has a long lifespan, and doesn’t require any special tools.

  • It is best to use silicone if you have a metal or plastic shower head or faucet handles.
  • The silicone will expand once it dries, so make sure that you don’t get any on the wall behind your faucet handle when applying it!

Putty Up A Cracked Windowpane

Putting a piece of putty over the crack will not only be more aesthetically pleasing, but it’ll also help to keep out water and air. To successfully apply putty to your window pane, you’ll need:

  • A putty knife (or other flat object)
  • The appropriate amount of compound for the size of the crack in your pane (1/4 cup is usually sufficient)


If you’re looking for a few household tasks that don’t require any professional help and can be done by yourself with just some time and effort, then these are the ones to try. 

Some of them will take longer than others but they are all doable at home. If you find yourself getting frustrated while working on a project just remember: there is no right way or wrong way when it comes to home repairs! 

As long as your end goal is reached then that’s all that matters!