Is Plumbing Depreciable? (Professional Advice)

The plumbing system of your home is something that you use every day, but did you know that it can also last for years when properly maintained? 

Plumbing is one of the most important systems in your home because it provides clean water for drinking and bathing. 

It’s important to make sure that your pipes are working properly so they don’t break or burst unexpectedly. If you want to keep your plumbing system running smoothly, here are some tips on how to do so:

Repairs vs. Capital Improvements & Safe Harbors
How to optimize depreciation for construction projects
Plumbing tax write-offs can help reduce your tax liability
Plumbing expenses like tools and equipment may be tax-deductible
Tax engineering can help create comprehensive tax savings plans
Correcting tax mistakes as soon as possible can prevent further complications

Learn About Depreciation

Depreciation is the process of allocating expenses to increase the value of a property. Depreciation is usually used to reduce taxes, but it can also be used as a way to spread out the cost of an asset over a longer period of time than its actual useful lifespan.

This method allows you to deduct the annual decline in value of your property and reduces your tax bill by the same amount each year. 

If you have depreciable assets on your property, such as plumbing fixtures, then this practice will help lower your taxable income and lessen your overall tax burden.

When running plumbing pipes, it’s important to have a good understanding of how the system works. If you’re new to plumbing, check out our tips for running plumbing pipes to get started on the right foot.

Consider Your Climate

You should consider your climate when determining how long your plumbing will last. Plumbing in a cold climate will last longer than plumbing in a warm climate, and vice versa. 

Plumbing in dry climates will last longer than plumbing in wet climates, and vice versa.

Plumbing can also be affected by the amount of humidity in the air: if there is more moisture or rain, then pipes may corrode faster.

Table: Plumbing Longevity by Climate

ClimatePlumbing Longevity

When considering the longevity of plumbing, it’s essential to think about the climate in which it’s installed. Cold climates with less environmental stress can result in more extended plumbing life, whereas warm climates may cause plumbing to wear more quickly. By keeping your climate in mind, you can make more informed decisions when it comes to plumbing maintenance and upgrades.

Conduct Regular Maintenance

  • Regular maintenance is the key to keeping your plumbing system in great condition.
  • The benefits of regular maintenance include:
  • Increased lifespan of the system
  • Reduced risk of malfunctions or breakdowns
  • Improved performance and efficiency

Plumbing problems can be a real headache, but with the right knowledge, they’re often easy to solve. Check out our guide on fixing common plumbing issues for expert tips on keeping your plumbing running smoothly.

Assess and Improve Your Drainage System

A good drainage system is the foundation of a well-functioning home. It’s important to make sure your drainage system is in good shape, as it will help prevent water from pooling up and causing property damage. 

To assess your drains, follow these steps:

Check for any clogs or blockages by using a drain snake. If you’re unable to clear the clog yourself, call a professional plumber who can help fix your problem.

Consider replacing your old pipes with newer ones if they are rusted or corroded in any way (you can hire someone to do this work for you).

You should also check on how often you need to maintain the drains in other areas of the house that have been wet recently—for example, bathrooms or kitchens with running faucets—as well as those that have been dry recently but might hold standing water after rainstorms (like basements).

Table: Assessing and Improving Your Drainage System

Signs of Poor DrainageSolutions
Water pooling on the groundAdd or increase slope
Water in the basement or crawl spaceInstall sump pump
Damp or wet spots near foundationInstall French drain
Slow-draining sinks, tubs, and showersClear blockage or install new plumbing
Foul odors from drainsClear blockage or install vent system

Assessing and improving your drainage system is crucial for preventing water buildup that can lead to property damage. Different signs of poor drainage require different solutions, such as adding slope, installing a sump pump, or clearing blockages. By recognizing the symptoms, you can take action to improve your drainage system and protect your home.

Insulate Pipes in Unheated Areas

Plumbing pipes are another common area of concern for those who want to save energy and money. 

Without insulation, your plumbing system can lose a lot of heat through the walls of the pipes. This means that you’ll have to spend more money heating your house, which ends up costing you more in the long run.

The best way to insulate your plumbing is with an airtight layer on top of each pipe; this will reduce condensation and keep heat from escaping into the surrounding environment while also keeping any water within the piping system at a comfortable temperature year round. 

The right material should be thick enough to completely block out all light sources but thin enough that it doesn’t stick out too much (which might cause damage). 

In some cases, newer homes may not have been built with sufficient insulation—if this is true then consider upgrading with new materials such as polyurethane foam tape or polyethylene sheeting before winter comes around again!

Invest in Locally Made, High-Quality Plumbing Materials

To ensure you get the best plumbing materials for your home, consider purchasing locally made products. Locally made products are more likely to be of high quality because they have been built by skilled workers and with materials that fit the local climate.

High-quality plumbing fixtures will last longer and perform better than those of lesser quality. They’re also unlikely to break or leak, saving you money in repairs down the line.

Did you know that there are many advantages to plumbing? From improved sanitation to increased property value, plumbing can make a big difference. Learn more about the benefits of plumbing by checking out our article on why plumbing is important.

Hire a Professional Plumber

If you want to avoid expensive plumbing problems and a headache, hire a professional plumber. They have the tools, training and expertise needed to do the job right. They can also save you money in the long run by identifying potential issues before they become emergencies.

Choose the Right Drains for Your Fixtures

If you’re in the process of replacing your home with all new plumbing fixtures, extra care should be taken when choosing the drains for these fixtures. 

This is because not only does it affect the appearance and functionality of your bathroom or kitchen, but also because it can determine how much money you’ll save down the line.

First things first: Before even considering a drain pipe size, make sure that you know what type of fixture it is draining into—a bathtub? A sink? The toilet?—and how big it is (i.e., what its diameter). If possible use a ruler or measuring tape to get an accurate measurement before starting any work on locating drains online or at your local hardware store.

In general terms, drain pipes should have an opening at least 1/2″ larger than whichever fixture they are draining into; this way there’s no risk of clogging up due to sediment buildup around smaller openings.”

If you’re taking on a plumbing project, it’s crucial to have a solid understanding of the basics. For expert advice on running plumbing, check out our guide for tips on starting your project off on the right foot.

Install an Expansion Tank to Relieve Pressure on the Water Heater

If you have a water heater that’s located in your basement, installing an expansion tank isn’t necessary. 

However, if your home doesn’t have a basement or if the coldest place in your home is not the same as where your water heater is situated, then it might be worth installing one. 

This way, if there’s pressure on the tank due to fluctuations in temperature (which causes hot water to expand), an expansion tank will relieve excess pressure so that everything remains safe and sound.

Avoid Reusing Old Drainpipes and Fittings

You may be tempted to reuse old drainpipes and fittings, but this can be dangerous. Old pipes and fittings can leak and cause damage to your home. 

They also don’t last as long as newer pipes and fittings, so they could break at any time. If you do decide to reuse them, make sure they are in good condition—before installing them, inspect the pipe for cracks or rust spots that could lead to leaks later down the road.

Removing plumbing fixtures can seem intimidating, but it’s often necessary for repairs or upgrades. Check out our guide on removing plumbing fixtures for tips and tricks on safely and effectively removing fixtures without causing damage.

Take Care of Exterior Plumbing During the Winter Months

The winter months can be a difficult time for plumbing. Water pipes and drains get colder, which means they’re more likely to freeze and burst. Here are a few tips for taking care of your exterior plumbing during the winter months:

Use a heat tape to protect your pipes from freezing. If possible, wrap the entire pipe in insulation and then put the heat tape on top of that! It’s also important not to let it get too hot—keep the temperature at least 120 degrees Fahrenheit inside your water heater tank.

Keep the drain outside your house open all year round so that any water runoff has somewhere to go instead of pooling inside an enclosed space where it could freeze later on down the road (this will help prevent damage).

Avoid using hot water when washing dishes or doing laundry so as not waste energy costs by heating up extra-cold tap water before getting into those tasks; instead stick with cold water for flushing toilets since you don’t need high pressure in order for them work properly

The Plumbing System Of Your Home Can Last For Years When Properly Maintained

The plumbing system of your home can last for years when properly maintained. Hiring a professional plumber is the best way to ensure that it’s in good condition, but you also have to make sure that you choose the right materials and fixtures. 

For example, when you install drains, you should use those made with high-quality material so they don’t get clogged easily. The same goes for sinks and faucets: choose products made from stainless steel or other durable materials instead of plastic ones which could break easily over time.

To avoid any problems down the line, it’s worth installing an expansion tank as well since these devices help prevent water pressure spikes caused by sudden changes in temperature (such as when taking a hot shower).


Now that you know how to better maintain your plumbing system, you can save money and enjoy the comfort of your home for years to come.

Further Reading

Here are some additional resources related to the topic of plumbing and tax engineering:

Accelerating Depreciation for New Construction Projects Using Tax Engineering – This article from Wipfli provides advice on how to accelerate depreciation for new construction projects through tax engineering.

Plumbing Tax Write-Offs for Small Business Owners – This article from Keeper Tax explores the tax write-offs available to small business owners in the plumbing industry.

Is Plumbing Tax Deductible? – This blog post from Chouma Consulting provides information on which plumbing expenses are tax deductible.


What is tax engineering?

Tax engineering is the process of optimizing tax strategies to minimize tax liability while maximizing income. It involves using legal tax planning techniques and tools to create effective tax savings plans.

What is accelerated depreciation?

Accelerated depreciation is a method of depreciation where a taxpayer can claim more depreciation in the earlier years of an asset’s life to reduce taxable income.

Can a plumber take tax deductions?

Yes, plumbers can take various tax deductions to lower their tax bill. These deductions may include business expenses, vehicle expenses, and home office expenses.

What plumbing expenses are tax-deductible?

Plumbing expenses that are necessary and ordinary to the plumber’s trade or business are generally tax-deductible. These may include tools, equipment, supplies, and travel expenses.

What if I make a mistake on my taxes?

If you make a mistake on your taxes, it’s best to correct it as soon as possible. The IRS offers several options for correcting errors, including filing an amended return or requesting a correction through their online system.