How Do I Find Someone To Do Home Repairs?

You’ve got a leaky faucet and you’re mad. You need to fix it and you need to do it right now. So you pick up the phone, call your local plumber, and ask if they can come out today and get that thing fixed. But they say no. 

They say that they have three other jobs scheduled for today and your job isn’t urgent enough for them to squeeze in before then. 

Fuming, you hang up the phone only to realize that there are probably other people out there who can help me with this problem and who will be more than happy to do so on my schedule (and without any additional fees).

HOUSE REPAIR IDEAS to help you fix any problem at home
Transparency is essential when hiring a home repair service provider.
Always check the experience, license, insurance, and references of a contractor before hiring.
Communication is key to managing a home repair project successfully.
Regular maintenance of your plumbing system is essential to prevent major repairs.
There are multiple resources available online that can help you find reliable home repair services.

Ask Your Neighbors

If you want to find someone who can help with home repairs, the first place to look should be your neighbors. 

If you live in an apartment building or condo, ask your landlord or realtor if they have a recommendation. If they don’t know of any reliable contractors, ask them how they would go about finding one if needed.

If your neighbor has recently hired a contractor themselves and had a good experience, get their contact information and call them up! Or stop by their apartment and talk it out face-to-face (if possible).

Another option is asking other people in your neighborhood if they know of any good contractors around town. 

Make sure to mention that you’re looking for someone who can do both small jobs like painting walls or installing shelves as well as more advanced projects like putting on new roofs or replacing windows.

If you’re searching for the right plumbing contractor, look for one who has a good reputation and is licensed to offer plumbing services. Our article on “how do I get a plumbing contract explained” offers detailed information on what to look for in a plumbing service provider. Check out our guide to learn more.

Check Online Reviews

If you’re looking for a contractor in your area, look up the company’s Yelp page and see if there are any reviews. 

You can also search “reviews” on Angie’s List or Google to find more. If you’re not sure what exactly they do, don’t worry we’ll explain that next!

Check how many stars they have. The more stars they have, the better (they may have been around a long time). This is especially true if their name comes up first or second when searching for a certain service in your town it means people like them! 

Stars are important because it lets potential customers know whether or not the company is good at what they do. 

So if someone has only one star, but still seems like he would be good at home repairs (you know him from church), then go ahead and call him anyway! Just keep in mind that there are some fake reviews out there too; so make sure all these things match up before hiring anyone new

Contractor Reviews Online

You can quickly and easily research contractors in your area.Reviews may not always be accurate or trustworthy.
Reviews can provide insight into the quality of work a contractor provides.It can be challenging to find reliable and unbiased reviews.
You can see if there are consistent complaints or compliments about a particular contractor.Some contractors may have a low number of reviews, making it difficult to get a sense of their work quality.

By checking online reviews, you can learn more about the experiences of other customers with contractors in your area. However, it is important to approach online reviews with a degree of skepticism and use them as one of many tools to evaluate a contractor before hiring.

Do Your Own Research

Do your own research. Before making a choice, it’s important to do some research on the company in question. 

Check for recent reviews and comments on their website or social media accounts, read through the Better Business Bureau’s (BBB) website for complaints against them and even ask for references from previous clients.

Find out how long the company has been in business. While experience doesn’t necessarily mean better workmanship or customer service, it does mean that this person is more likely to have handled situations like yours before and may know exactly what they’re doing when they come out to inspect your home. 

You can also get an idea of whether or not this person will be able to give you quality work by looking at examples of past jobs on their website or even if they have one!

Ask about insurance coverage with third party companies like Safeco Insurance Company they’ll know if there are certain types of insurance coverage available through them as well as other companies that offer financial compensation when unforeseen events occur during repairs such as earthquakes caused by faulty construction methods used during renovations made years ago.

Dealing with plumbing issues can be daunting, particularly if you’re not familiar with the problem. Our “how do I fix my plumbing pro guide” offers tips and advice on how to fix common plumbing issues. Visit our guide to learn more about plumbing troubleshooting.

Contact the Better Business Bureau

Find out if there are any consumer protection laws in your state, and if so, how to file a complaint with them if necessary (usually this involves calling and speaking to an actual person).

Ask friends and family who have had repairs done recently how their experience went with the contractor they used; get recommendations from industry experts like:

Look at LinkedIn Profiles

The best way to find a contractor is through LinkedIn. There are over 1 billion professionals on LinkedIn and it’s the number one professional networking site for finding people who have similar careers or interests as you. 

The reason why I like to use LinkedIn when looking for someone to do home repairs is because it will connect me with other professionals in the industry, so if they have any recommendations or referrals that I can follow up with them on those connections will be easy!

This will allow me to find contractors who are experienced in dealing with similar situations/conditions at other houses before my own job starts because these organizations have already gone through this process many times before so their experience in dealing with these issues will be invaluable when trying out different solutions around your place too!

If you’re planning to build a plumbing system, you need to know the basics of plumbing installation. Our article on “how do you build plumbing pro-tips” offers expert advice on how to install a plumbing system from scratch. Visit our guide for tips on planning and executing a plumbing project.

Check Out Examples of Their Work

This information is especially important if you’re looking to hire a contractor for the first time. A contractor’s job history may not be enough to give you an idea of what kind of work they do, so it’s worth asking around and doing some research to make sure they’re right for you.

Check out examples of their work by searching on Google or Instagram, where many contractors post photos of their completed projects. 

If you see something that appeals to you, ask if it’s available for purchase or rent (depending on the circumstances), or contact the owner directly and ask about commissioning something similar from them.

Examples of Contractor’s Work

Provides visual evidence of a contractor’s work quality and style.Some contractors may not have readily available examples of their work.
Allows you to evaluate if a contractor’s style and quality meet your standards.Examples of work may not be indicative of their performance on your specific project.
Helps you identify a contractor that specializes in the type of work you need.Limited examples of a contractor’s previous work can make it challenging to assess their abilities.

By checking examples of a contractor’s previous work, you can evaluate their quality of work and determine if their style and skill level meet your standards. Keep in mind that some contractors may not have readily available examples of their work, and the examples provided may not be indicative of their performance on your specific project. Use examples of their previous work as another tool to evaluate contractors before making your choice.

Ask for References

Ask for references. If a potential contractor has been in business for several years, it’s likely that they’ve done some work for other people in your area. It’s always good to ask them for the names and phone numbers of at least two previous customers so you can call them yourself to check out the quality of their work.

Run a background check from each reference you get on the contractor—make sure they’re still in business!

Ask past customers how well they liked working with the contractor, was he or she professional? Did he do quality work? Would they use him again?

Plumbing systems can suffer damage and wear over time, leading to leaks and blockages. Our guide on “how do I remove plumbing simple ways” offers tips on how to remove old plumbing fittings and pipes. Visit our guide to learn how to safely remove old plumbing and fittings.

Meet in Person

The best way to find a reliable contractor is by meeting in person. There are several ways to do this:

  • Ask friends and family for recommendations.
  • Look up their company online, read their reviews, and call them to have a conversation about what your needs are and how they can help you.
  • Ask other tradesmen that have worked with them if they would recommend them or not.

Get It in Writing

Next, you’ll want to make sure your contractor has a license and insurance. A good contractor will be licensed in the state where they work, but also have additional licenses for specific jobs such as electrical or plumbing. 

Also make sure they have liability insurance that protects you in case something goes wrong during construction projects.

You should also ask about warranties and bonds. A warranty ensures that any work performed by your contractor is guaranteed for a certain amount of time (typically one year). 

Bonding means that if something goes wrong with their services or materials, they are responsible and can pay damages up to the amount put into escrow (usually $5-6K).

When looking at contractors, ask yourself: Am I going to be dealing with just one person? Or does this company employ several people? If it’s just one person doing all of this work himself then I’d probably look elsewhere because there’s no guarantee he’ll always be around when needed.

Running a plumbing system requires regular maintenance to keep it in good working order. Our article on “how do you run plumbing expert advice” offers tips and tricks on how to maintain and upgrade your plumbing system. Check out our guide to learn more about plumbing system maintenance.

Find Out What You Need to Know About Permits and Insurance

  • Check with your local building department.
  • Check with your homeowner’s insurance provider.
  • Ask the contractor if they have a license, and what type of insurance they have to cover any accidents during repairs (like workers compensation or liability).

Don’t Force It If It’s Not Right

If you can’t find someone who will do the job for the amount of money you’re willing to pay, don’t force it. It’s better to go back to square one than create a bad situation. 

You can always find someone else to do the job. If you are not happy with how things turn out, it shows in the final product and may leave you feeling frustrated for months after completing it.


There’s no one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to finding someone to do home repairs. You might need to try several different methods before you find the right fit for your project. 

But, as long as you keep your eyes open, ask questions and do a little research, you can make sure that whoever you hire is going to provide good work at a fair price (and hopefully give you some great referrals).

Further Reading

Here are some additional resources that may help you find a reliable person to do your home repairs:

How to Find a Handyman: Tips to Find the Right One – A guide that offers recommendations on how to find a trustworthy and professional handyman for your home repair needs.

How to Find Someone Reliable to Do Your Home Repairs – A comprehensive guide that covers different ways to find someone reliable to carry out home repairs and factors to consider before hiring.

Hiring and Managing Home Repair Contractor – A comprehensive article that covers all aspects of hiring and managing a home repair contractor, including tips for selecting a contractor and how to manage the project.


What should I look for in a home repair contractor?

When looking for a home repair contractor, you should consider their experience, license and insurance, reviews from previous clients, and their price range.

How can I find a reliable handyman?

You can find reliable handymen by asking for recommendations from friends and family, searching online reviews, and checking their licenses and certifications.

What should I do before hiring a home repair contractor?

Before hiring a home repair contractor, you should check their references, ask for their license and insurance documents, and obtain a detailed written contract.

How do I manage a home repair project?

To manage a home repair project, you should maintain regular communication with the contractor, set clear expectations, regularly check the work progress, and ensure the project is completed within budget and timeframe.

How much should I expect to pay for home repairs?

The cost of home repairs depends on the complexity of the repair, the cost of materials, and the contractor’s experience. Before hiring a contractor, you should obtain and compare quotes from multiple contractors to get an estimate of the cost.