What Does A Landscaper Need? (Explained)

I’m a landscaper, and I know that running a business takes a lot of work. As a landscaper, there are many things you need to be successful in the industry. Here is my list of 7 things that every landscaper needs:

How To Be A Landscaper Your Skill Set
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A Good Reputation

Reputation. A good reputation is the most important thing your landscaper can have. It’s what you’ll use to get repeat business and referrals from happy customers, and it’s also what will get you in the door of other prospects who don’t know you yet. 

Even if they’re looking at a few different options, they’ll still choose someone with a great reputation over someone else with a lesser one—because that’s where they’ll get their money’s worth.

A bad reputation means no business and no referrals—you’re out on your own in this case, which isn’t ideal when there are so many other options available to homeowners like yourself! 

So remember: honesty, integrity, trustworthiness… these are all things that make up having a good reputation as an entrepreneur or small business owner (and especially as someone whose job involves working outside).

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A Diverse Skill Set

You might have heard the word “landscaping” and thought it meant “planting trees and flowers.” Maybe you think landscaping is something that comes along with your house, like a garage or a basement. But in reality, landscaping is one of the most diverse professions in the entire world.

Landscapers can be divided into five main types: landscape designer, landscape architect, landscape engineer, landscape contractor and landscape gardener. 

Each of these groups has its own set of duties and responsibilities but they all share certain traits which will help you understand what makes a good landscaper great.

Let’s look at each role individually:

Landscape Designer – A person who creates plans for a project before anything else happens. This person usually doesn’t do much actual work onsite; they sit behind their computer screen while imagining what their dream job would look like if they could afford it (and then working backwards from there).

Developing a Diverse Skill Set

Project ManagementAbility to plan and manage projects from start to finish, including budgeting, staffing, and resource allocation.
Data AnalysisAbility to collect and interpret data, identify problems, and make informed decisions based on findings.
CommunicationAbility to convey information clearly and effectively through verbal and written communication.
LeadershipAbility to inspire and motivate others, delegate responsibilities, and successfully lead teams.
CreativityAbility to think outside the box, generate innovative ideas, and develop creative solutions to complex problems.
Time ManagementAbility to prioritize tasks, manage workload, and meet deadlines efficiently.
Critical ThinkingAbility to analyze information, evaluate different perspectives, and make objective decisions based on logic and reasoning.

High Quality Tools

There are two main types of tools landscapers use: hand tools and power tools. Hand tools are typically used for smaller projects, such as weeding, pruning and planting small trees or shrubs. Powertools, on the other hand, are used for larger projects such as landscaping with stones or sod.

Both types of equipment can be high quality or low quality depending on how much you’re willing to spend on them. 

It’s important to remember that “cheap” doesn’t necessarily mean “good,” nor does it necessarily mean “expensive.” You should always buy the best quality tools you can afford; in most cases this means buying a few expensive items rather than several cheaper ones that won’t last nearly as long (or work nearly as well).

In addition to having good quality tools for your landscaping needs whether they be hand-held or motorized you’ll also need some place where you can store them when not in use so they don’t get damaged from sitting around outside all day long! 

Having an organized storage system will help keep things clean and dry while keeping everything organized so there aren’t any unnecessary accidents happening down due misplacing something important again!

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A Variety Of Lighting Options

Lighting options are critical to a landscaper’s success. While many people assume that landscaping is only limited to residential properties, that isn’t true! Landscapers often work with commercial properties, too.

If you’re looking for a way to attract new clients and maximize your profits with lighting fixtures, there are plenty of options out there:

LED Lighting: This type of light offers the longest lifespan (upwards of 50,000 hours!) and has the lowest energy consumption rate by far. It also produces less heat than other types of lighting systems; this is important if you’re working on an outdoor job where things can get pretty hot during summertime!

Halogen Lighting: This type of lighting system is great for creating moody nighttime settings or displaying beautiful flowers in your garden. The downside? Halogen bulbs emit a lot more heat than other types of bulbs—so much so that they can actually damage plants if used improperly!

Fluorescent Tube Lights: These types are ideal for growing plants indoors because they don’t produce as much heat as incandescent lights do; however, fluorescent tubes tend not last very long at all compared to LED lamps (which means frequent replacements will be necessary).

A Great Team.

A great team is the key to success. You need people who share your vision, work hard and are willing to learn new things. A good landscaper will have a solid team of workers that know their business inside out.

Not only do you need a good team, but they also should be working in harmony with each other. A good example of this would be when you have different crews working simultaneously on different jobs, so that they can support each other when needed or help out with the workload if someone gets sick or injured during a job.

It is important to remember that no one person can do everything by themselves – everyone needs help!

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The Best Plants

When it comes to choosing the right plants, you should always consider what’s best for your landscaping needs. 

You’re going to want plants that are hardy and easy to maintain, especially if you’re a beginner landscaper. There are plenty of resources out there that can help guide your decisions when selecting the best plants for your new project.

The first thing you’ll need to do is make sure that each plant is appropriate for the climate where it will be grown. 

Most gardeners think about climates in terms of hot or cold zones, but there’s also precipitation levels and wind patterns which affect how well certain species will survive outdoors! Find out what kind of weather conditions exist where you live before buying any new plants.

The Best Plants for Your Garden

LavenderKnown for its fragrance and calming effects, this perennial herb also has a long bloom time and attracts pollinators.
TomatoesEasy to grow and versatile, tomatoes are rich in vitamins, antioxidants, and fiber, making them a healthy addition to any garden.
SunflowersWith their bright yellow petals and tall stems, sunflowers add a pop of color and vitality to gardens and attract bees and birds.
BasilA favorite herb for cooking, basil also serves as a natural pest deterrent, attracts pollinators, and has a refreshing scent.
SucculentsThese low-maintenance plants come in a wide variety of sizes and colors and have a unique ability to store water, making them ideal for dry climates or indoor spaces.

A Big Truck

A truck is the primary vehicle of a landscaper. A truck is needed to haul materials, tools and equipment to job sites. 

Tools such as shovels and rakes often need to be carried by hand to ensure they don’t become damaged during transport, so trucks allow you to easily move these items while also carrying other equipment.

A landscaper’s truck also needs space for clients or workers who are going on site visits with them. 

If there’s an open bed available in your truck, clients can feel more comfortable riding in it because they’ll have room to spread out their belongings if needed (such as their laptop or notebook).

Finally, a landscaper’s big rig allows for additional storage capabilities if necessary: tools like axes must be stored safely during long trips between sites; if one of those destinations happens not only require heavy gear but also involve some distance from home base then having extra room will help keep everything organized before reaching final destination!

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Great Communication Skills With Clients

The most important skill a landscaper needs is communication. Whether you’re talking to clients, coworkers, or employees (or your mom), it’s important that you understand what they’re trying to say.

This includes listening skills and asking questions when necessary. You should also demonstrate an understanding of the client’s needs and know how to communicate with them in a way that makes sense for everyone involved.

A Flexible Schedule

A landscaper needs a flexible schedule. Landscaping is a year-round business, so you’ll be working in different seasons depending on where you live. You could be planting flowers in the spring and mowing lawns in the summer, then raking leaves and shoveling snow in the fall and winter.

If your clientele is local (e.g., your customers live close by), then it’s important that you’re available on weekends or holidays when some of them might need their yards maintained.

You can also expect to work overtime if there’s an unexpected snowstorm or other weather event that requires immediate attention from homeowners who don’t have time off work during regular hours.

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Time Management Skills

Next, you need to have time management skills. This includes knowing how to prioritize tasks, manage your time effectively, and manage your time for different tasks. You’ll also need to set deadlines for each task and then keep track of how much time was spent on each one so that you can adjust accordingly in the future.

Organization Skills And A Great Filing System

It’s important to keep all your paperwork in one place. This way, you can easily find what you need when it comes time to make a decision or sign something.

A good filing system is also essential. Keeping organized files will help your business run smoothly and allow you to find things quickly when needed.


I hope this has given you some insight into what it takes to be a landscaper, and what you might need in order to get started.

Further Reading

Here are some additional resources related to landscaping career:

CareerExplorer: This website provides an in-depth overview of the landscaping profession, including job duties, qualifications, and career outlook.

Indeed: This job description from Indeed explains what a landscaper does and what qualifications are required for the job.

Career Advice – Indeed: This article on Indeed provides a comprehensive overview of what landscapers do and what it takes to become one.


What are the primary duties of a landscaper?

According to CareerExplorer, the primary duties of a landscaper include maintaining and caring for outdoor spaces, designing and planning landscapes, and performing tasks such as planting, pruning, and mowing.

What skills are required to become a landscaper?

To become a successful landscaper, you need to have a range of skills, including knowledge of plants and their care, task planning and management skills, creative problem-solving skills, and solid communication and team-working skills.

What educational qualifications are required to become a landscaper?

Most employers prefer to hire candidates with a high school diploma or GED, although additional certifications or postsecondary education in horticulture or landscaping can boost your chances of landing a job.

What are the working conditions like in the landscaping industry?

Landscapers often work outdoors in various weather conditions such as rain or heat. They may work overtime, including weekends and holidays, to ensure that work is completed on time.

What is the salary of a landscaper?

According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median annual wage for landscapers and groundskeepers was $30,440 in May 2020. However, salaries vary depending on factors such as location, experience, and employer.