How To Repair Drywall With Metal Studs? (Explained)

This guide will teach you how to repair drywall with metal studs. We’ll walk you through each step, from measuring the holes and cutting the patches, to applying tape and joint compound. 

So whether you’re just starting your DIY project or looking for some tips before starting a project of your own, this guide can help!

Metal Stud Walling Made Easy
Key Takeaways
Tips for repairing drywall
How to repair drywall with metal studs
Benefits of using metal studs in home renovation projects
Tips for finding a home repair contractor
How to make a home renovation plan
Suggestions for further reading
FAQs on metal studs and drywall repair

Measure the Drywall Holes and Cut the Patch

Measure the drywall hole with a tape measure. The patch should be about 1/4- to 1/2-inch larger than the hole, but make sure you have enough extra material for screwing it into place.

Using a utility knife or other sharp blade, cut out sections of drywall in your patch pieces that are slightly larger than their corresponding holes in your wall. You want to leave some room for overlap when you attach them to each other.

Once you’ve cut out all of your pieces, you can begin attaching them together with screws!

If you’re having issues with your plumbing system and need to fix it yourself, having a guide readily available can make the whole process a lot less daunting. Learn how to do it like a pro with our How Do I Fix My Plumbing Pro Guide and never worry about calling a plumber again.

You Need a Piece of Drywall to Make a Patch

The first thing you need to do is buy a piece of drywall, which you can find at any hardware store. 

If you don’t have any leftover drywall in your home, visit the hardware store and purchase one sheet. You may also want to pick up some screws as well since they will be used later on in this project.

The next step is cutting out the patch that will be used to repair the hole. You can measure out how big it should be based on the size of the hole or crack that has been created by removing metal studs from drywall walls. 

Once measured out, cut along these lines using either sharp scissors or even an electric saw if desired—the goal here is simply making sure all edges are straight so it fits correctly over any gaps between wall studs when placed back into place!

Materials needed for Drywall patching

Drywall sheet
Measuring tape
Drywall saw
Ruler or straight edge
Sandpaper or sanding block
Joint compound
Drywall tape
Putty knife

Note: Keep in mind that the materials needed might vary depending on the size and extent of the damage. However, a basic drywall repair kit should contain most of the materials listed above.

Attach the Drywall Patch to the Metal Studs with Screws

To attach the drywall patch to the metal studs, use drywall screws. The screws should be long enough that they are not visible when you attach them to the wall. Make sure that any screw heads hit metal studs and not surrounding drywall!

Screws should be no more than 1/2″ from an edge of a patch piece, so it doesn’t look like there are gaps in your finished repair job.

Removing plumbing can be a difficult and messy job, but it doesn’t have to be! Check out our Simple Ways to Remove Plumbing guide to learn how you can remove plumbing without any stress or mess.

Fill in With Joint Compound

Once you’ve applied the joint compound, use a putty knife to smooth out any excess. Make sure to apply more than you think will be necessary; it’s much easier to add more than take away. 

When using your putty knife, make sure that your strokes are smooth and even. If there are any bumps or ridges in the surface, take care not to press down on them too hard when smoothing out the joint compound this can cause blotchiness in your project later on.

Once you’ve finished smoothing out the area with joint compound, let it dry overnight before sanding it down.

Steps for Filling with Joint Compound

Apply a thin and even layer of joint compound to the patch using a putty knife.
Feather the edges of the joint compound to blend it with the surrounding wall.
Allow the joint compound to dry as per the manufacturer’s recommendations.
Sand the dried patch lightly with sandpaper or sanding block until it becomes even.
Apply a second thin layer of joint compound, feathering the edges out further than the previous layer.
Allow the second layer to dry and repeat the sanding process.
Apply a third thin layer of joint compound and feather the edges out even further this time.
Once the third layer is dry, sand it smooth, and inspect the repair for any imperfections.
Repeat steps if necessary until you’re happy with the finish.

Note: Before applying each layer of joint compound, ensure that the previous layer is completely dry. It’s also important to remove any dust or debris from sanding before proceeding with the next layer.

Apply Tape and Another Layer of Compound

Once you have sanded and smoothed out your patch, tape the edges of the metal studs with drywall tape. This will help ensure that compound does not spill out from under the paper tape during application.

Next, apply a thin layer of joint compound to your patch using a putty knife. The key here is to apply just enough that there is no visible drywall tape around the edges of each metal stud in your wall but not so much that any excess runs down into other areas where you don’t want it. 

You may need to go back over some areas with more compound once again depending on how much was used in previous layers and how thickly they were applied.

After repairing drywall, it’s important to match the texture on the repaired wall with the existing texture on the remaining wall. Our How To Match Texture on Wall Repair Explained guide provides you with all the tricks and techniques you need to master a seamless texture match every time.

Sanding Between Layers of Joint Compound

Whether you’re working on a new project or repairing an old one, the first step in sanding between layers of joint compound is to remove any excess joint compound from previous applications. 

This can be done by using a sanding sponge and/or sanding block. The second step is to sand down any rough areas that were left behind during your initial application of joint compound. 

For this step, you may want to consider using a palm sander or random orbital sander (the latter being more efficient).

How Many Layers of Drywall Paper Do You Need?

1 layer of drywall paper is enough to protect your walls, but if you want to make it stronger, use 2 layers of drywall paper. This can be done by running a piece of drywall tape over the seam between the first and second layers.

Looking for the right home repair contractor can be overwhelming, but don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. Check out our Easy Guide on How To Find A Home Repair Contractor to learn all the tips and tricks on finding the right contractor to help you complete your project.

Painting Over the Repaired Area

If you have metal studs in the wall, then it’s going to be a lot easier for you to repair drywall.

It is possible to repair drywall with metal studs using a variety of tools. You can use an airless sprayer or even a paint brush or roller depending on how much time and money you want to spend repairing your wall.

There are many different kinds of paint sprayers out there but not all of them are suited for repairing walls with metal studs. 

If you want to get the best results possible, then make sure that your chosen method will work well with this type of construction before starting work on your project!

This Is An Easy Guide To Help You Repair Drywall With Metal Studs

Metal studs are an alternative to traditional wood or concrete-filled framing, and they’re often used in modern construction projects due to their ability to support heavy loads without warping or cracking as much as traditional materials. 

Metal studs also provide fire protection by limiting the spread of flames through the building’s walls in case of a fire. 

However, these benefits come at a cost: metal studs tend to be more expensive than other types of materials used for wall framing, which means that repairing drywall damaged by them can be expensive too! 

But don’t worry—you can save yourself some money by doing it yourself! Here’s how:

Step 1: Cut away any loose pieces of drywall around your damage area with a utility knife before removing any debris from inside your wall cavity (if necessary). 

This will help prevent dust from getting on anything else while working on this project and make sure that everything stays safe during repairs.

It may also be helpful if you have small children running around nearby who could accidentally get hurt if there were sharp edges sticking out from behind that weren’t previously visible because there wasn’t enough space between them just yet until now.”

Renovating your home can be a massive project that can seem daunting, but it doesn’t have to be! With our How To Make A Home Renovation Plan Explained guide, we provide you with a comprehensive strategy to make the process go by smoothly and stress-free.


This is an easy guide to help you repair drywall with metal studs. It’s not a difficult process, but it does require some time and patience. It’s important to carefully measure out your cuts so that everything fits together properly. 

Before you begin this project, make sure that all of your tools are sharp and clean so that they do not snag on the drywall when you cut them out. 

You will also need some good quality adhesive like construction adhesive or siliconized adhesive because it sticks better than regular plasterboard adhesive which will not hold well enough for this type of job

Further Reading

If you want to learn more about working with metal studs and drywalls, check out the following articles:

Framing with Metal Studs – A Comprehensive Guide: This guide explains how to frame metal studs using a step-by-step process, giving you all the information you need to tackle your next home renovation project.

Using Steel Studs: Metal Stud Framing: This article explains the advantages and disadvantages of using steel studs, and provides tips for installing and framing with them.

How to repair large drywall section: This forum post provides a discussion and helpful advice on how to repair a large section of drywall.


What are metal studs?

Metal studs are an alternative material to traditional wooden studs used in framing walls, and are typically made of galvanized steel.

Why use metal studs for framing?

Metal studs are known for their durability, resistance to moisture and pests, as well as their lightweight construction, making them easy to handle and install.

How do I install metal studs?

Installing metal studs is a straightforward process, but requires specific tools. Typically, the process involves marking out the layout of the studs, cutting them to size, and then attaching them to the frames.

Can I use metal studs in bathrooms?

Yes! Metal studs are ideal for bathrooms due to their resistance to moisture and pests. However, it is essential to follow the manufacturer’s instructions and Code regulations.

How can I tell if I need to repair or replace drywall?

If your drywall has minor scratches or small holes, you may be able to repair it using spackle or drywall compound. However, if the damage is widespread or there are cracks or holes, it is better to replace the drywall entirely to avoid further damages.