How Do You Install Desert Landscaping? (Explained)

If you’re looking for ways to spruce up your home’s desert landscaping, this article can help. It covers everything from choosing healthy plants to planning a design and installing them in a location with plenty of sunlight.

How To Design The Perfect Landscape
Desert landscaping involves using water-wise plants and materials that are adapted to arid climates and requires minimal maintenance compared to traditional landscaping methods.
Some benefits of desert landscaping include reduced water usage, increased energy efficiency, and the creation of a unique and visually appealing outdoor space.
Designing a desert landscape involves selecting appropriate plant species, arranging them in an aesthetically pleasing manner, and incorporating other elements like rocks, gravel, and outdoor sculptures.
Maintaining a desert landscape involves regular watering, fertilization, pruning, and other maintenance activities depending on the specific needs of your plants and other landscape elements.
Desert landscaping can be a DIY project with the right planning and tools, and resources like online guides and local nurseries can provide valuable assistance.

Choose Healthy Plants

Once you’ve chosen the right site, it’s time to hunt for healthy plants. Look for plants with a strong root system and healthy leaves and stems. Some other things to consider are:

Choose an appropriately-sized plant for your area. If you’re in a very sunny zone, choose a desert plant that won’t be over-stressed by the intense rays of the sun; if you live in a shady region, choose plants that prefer low light levels.

Consider how much water your new plant will require—watering two or three times per week may not be practical if you have limited access to water or little time for maintenance!

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Plan a Design

A design is a plan for creating a landscape that is functional, beautiful and sustainable. A good designer will help you select plants that are appropriate for your climate, soil type and lifestyle. It’s important to work with a designer who understands desert landscaping since it requires different plant species than those used in other climates.

The first step in planning your desert landscape is deciding if you want an xeriscape or non-xeriscape garden (or perhaps both). 

Xeric refers to the arid conditions found in deserts around the world. If you live in an area that receives less than 10 inches of rainfall each year such as Las Vegas you probably have xeric conditions at least part of the year.

Xeriscapes typically feature low-water use plants suited for this climate; they’re often native to dry regions but can also include drought-resistant exotic species such as Australian acacias, tall grasses like switchgrass or bamboo palms. 

These plants generally require less water but still provide plenty of beauty throughout all four seasons; they may also bloom sporadically throughout winter months if provided sufficient water during summer months before fall rains begin again. 

Non-xeric landscapes usually consist entirely of native plants; these require more frequent watering but can thrive on just 20 inches per year. 

They tend not only toward fewer blooms but also slower growth due to shorter summers combined with shorter winters where cold temperatures inhibit growth cycles altogether!

Planning a Landscape Design

DefinitionA design is a plan for creating a landscape that is functional, beautiful and sustainable.
ImportanceA well-designed landscape can provide a variety of benefits, including enhancing the value of your property, reducing energy costs, and providing a relaxing and enjoyable outdoor space.
Choosing a DesignerIt’s important to work with a designer who understands desert landscaping since it requires different plant species than those used in other climates. Look for a designer who is knowledgeable about native plants, irrigation, and other key elements of desert landscaping.
Design ElementsA good designer will help you select plants that are appropriate for your climate, soil type, and lifestyle. Other design elements to consider include hardscape (such as paths and patios), outdoor lighting, and water features.
BudgetingIt’s important to establish a budget for your landscape design project before beginning. Work with your designer to create a plan that fits your budget while still achieving your goals and desired outcomes.

Use Native Plants

When it comes to desert landscaping, one of the most important things you can do is use native plants. Native plants are adapted to your local climate and will be more likely to thrive there than non-native plants that require more water or other resources. 

In addition, many native plants are resistant to local pests and diseases, which means they’ll need less maintenance than introduced species. Finally, many native plant species have coevolved with local insects over millennia—meaning they’re better able to participate in pollination cycles!

While this may seem like an obvious strategy for a gardener in the desert who wants their yard looking good year-round (and who doesn’t?), it’s also helpful for people living elsewhere who want their garden looking its best during the hot summer months when everyone else’s gardens are browning up at the edges. 

By choosing native flora over exotics when designing your landscape scheme you’ll end up with greener grass all year long; after all: “It’s not just green because it rains here.”

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Avoid Invasive Plants

Avoid invasive plants. Invasive species are those that spread aggressively and crowd out native plants, including the ones you’re trying to grow. 

Plants like these should be avoided if possible, as they can make it much harder for your desert landscape to flourish in the future. To help identify these species, look for common characteristics such as:

  • A low-water requirement (many trees)
  • Thick trunks or branches with few leaves (many trees)
  • Large, coarse leaves or needles (several trees, shrubs)

Select a Good Location

When selecting a location for your desert landscape, you need to consider exposure, soil type, water availability, mowing access and mulch type. After making these decisions you should have a general area of where to start building your desert garden.

  • Consider sun exposure

Sun exposure is one of the most important things to consider when building a garden in this area. Desert plants need shade during the day and full sun at night. 

The best way to ensure that your plants get enough light is by placing them near windows or walls that get direct sunlight during specific hours of the day (usually around sunset). 

This will allow them to receive all of the necessary light they need while still providing some shade from harsh rays during the day.

Are you looking to tackle a landscaping project but not sure where to start? Learning how to build and install landscaping can be a daunting task, but with the right planning and tools, it can be a DIY project even for beginners. Check out our guide on how to build landscaping to learn the basics and tips for success.

Pick the Correct Flowering or Fruiting Season

If you want to create a garden that blooms and fruits in different seasons, there’s no need to stress. Just pick plants with flowers or fruit that are in season at different times. 

For example, if you live in a warm climate where spring is the rainy season, your flower-bearing desert plants will be flowering while your fruiting ones are just beginning to ripen. 

Or vice versa—if it’s hot during the summer months but cools down in the wintertime (like San Francisco), then your flowering plants may only be available for part of each season.

There are many ways to arrange those flowers and fruits into an aesthetically pleasing landscape design:

Choosing the Correct Flowering or Fruiting Season

ImportanceIt’s important to select plants that will bloom or bear fruit at the right time of year for your region. This will help ensure that your landscape looks beautiful and stays healthy year-round.
ClimateConsider the climate in your area when selecting plants. Different regions have different growing seasons, and some plants are better suited to certain climates than others.
ResearchDo your research to find out when different plants flower and fruit. There are many online resources and gardening books that can help you choose the right plants for your region.
Balancing SeasonsConsider selecting a mix of plants that will bloom and fruit during different seasons. This will help ensure that your landscape is always interesting and engaging, no matter the time of year.
DiversityChoosing plants with different blooming and fruiting schedules also helps support local pollinators and wildlife by providing a diversity of resources for them to draw from.

Choose Plants with a Variety of Leaf Textures

If a plant’s leaves are smooth, it will have a very low water demand and is likely to be easier to grow. 

The waxy leaves of plants such as cacti provide protection from the sun, while hairy or fuzzy textured leaves help shed moisture.

The best way to choose plants with a variety of leaf textures is by visiting your local garden center or nursery and talking with one of their experts.

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Watch the Light Intensity

Light intensity is a major factor in plant health and survival. Understanding where your landscape falls within a spectrum of light intensities can help you choose the right plants for your space, while also improving their longevity. Here are some terms to keep in mind:

Low Light – This is typically found in shady areas under trees or near structures such as buildings or walls. If a plant has no access to direct sunlight, it may be considered low-light tolerant. Plants like Japanese maples may prefer this type of area because they are shade-tolerant but still need enough sunlight to thrive and grow well.

Medium Light – In this category fall moderately shaded areas that receive scattered amounts of sun throughout the day think between 50%–70% coverage from overhead tree cover or structures like houses or buildings. 

Common medium light-loving plants include ferns, hosta varieties (Hosta ‘Red Jackie’), Russian sage (Perovskia atriplicifolia), mums (Chrysanthemum sp.), pansies (Viola x wittrockiana) and coral bells (Heuchera). 

These plants tend not do well when placed directly under trees because they require full sun exposure just like other types of perennials would need!

Watch for Potential Pests and Disease Issues

Pests and diseases are common in the desert, so it’s important to pay attention to your plants. Some plants are more susceptible to pests and diseases than others, so keep them away from those that could be affected by them.

Some people use pesticides and fungicides to control pests and diseases, but these products can also harm the environment. By being careful of where you plant your desert landscaping you’ll minimize any chance of having an infestation in the area.

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Provide Enough Water for Your Landscape Area

You’ll need to provide enough water for your landscape area.

How much: The amount of water you should provide will depend on the size and type of your yard. For example, a large lawn with no plantings will require more frequent watering than a small yard with lots of flowers and trees.

When: There are many factors that can determine when you should water—for example, how hot it is outside or what time of year it is (we recommend watering early in the morning so plants have time to dry out before nightfall). A landscape consultant can help figure out what’s best for your specific situation.

How: You may choose to install an irrigation system yourself or hire someone else to install one for you; either way, make sure any new systems are designed properly so they don’t damage your property or cause problems down the road (for instance, if they’re too close together plants could become damaged from over-watering).

Mulch, Mulch, Mulch!

Mulch is a great way to retain moisture, keep soil temperature cool and prevent weeds. It can also be used as decorative mulch in your border to add some color and texture. 

There are many different types of mulches available at your local home improvement center or nursery. You will want to choose the type that best suits your needs:

Bark mulch – This type of mulch comes from ground up pieces of hardwood trees (usually pine) which make it attractive but does not decompose so it must be replenished every year

Straw Mulch – Straw is usually used for landscaping because it’s easy to work with, inexpensive and looks great! However, straw breaks down quickly so it will need replacing each season

Cedar Shavings – These shavings come from the Western Red Cedar tree which makes them resistant to decay due to their natural oils; however these types of shavings tend not be as visually appealing as other options


If you’ve been considering desert landscaping, we hope our tips have helped you understand the process a little better. 

It can be a lot of work, but it will be worth it when your plants thrive and bloom with little to no maintenance from you. 

In the end, remember that this is your garden—you get to choose what goes in it! If you love succulents but don’t have much space for them, try adding one or two in pots near your front door so they get plenty of sunshine throughout the day.

Further Reading

Here are some additional resources if you’re interested in learning more about desert landscaping:

Desert Landscaping Ideas: Check out this article from Gharpedia that provides tips and ideas for designing and maintaining a desert landscape.

Creating Shade and Coolness in Your Desert Landscape: This article from LinkedIn provides advice for creating a cooler and shadier desert landscape using various materials and techniques.

How to Make a Desert Garden in Any Climate: If you’re interested in creating a desert garden but don’t live in a desert climate, check out this article from Buckinghamshire Landscape Gardeners that provides tips for making a desert garden in any climate.


What is desert landscaping?

Desert landscaping is a way of designing and maintaining outdoor spaces using plants and other materials that are adapted to arid climates.

What are the benefits of desert landscaping?

Some benefits of desert landscaping include reduced water usage, increased energy efficiency, and the creation of a unique and visually appealing outdoor space.

What are some plants that are well-suited for desert landscaping?

Some plants that are well-suited for desert landscaping include succulents, cacti, agave, yucca, and desert wildflowers.

How do you design a desert landscape?

Designing a desert landscape involves selecting appropriate plant species, arranging them in an aesthetically pleasing manner, and incorporating other elements like rocks, gravel, and outdoor sculptures.

How can you maintain a desert landscape?

Maintaining a desert landscape involves regular watering, fertilization, pruning, and other maintenance activities depending on the specific needs of your plants and other landscape elements.