How Do You Do A Complete House Renovation?

You’ve been thinking about renovating your house for months. You want to give it a fresh look, and you’re excited to see the results. 

But renovating isn’t as simple as just deciding to do it: there are a number of steps you need to take before getting started. 

We’ve put together this list of ten steps you can follow when doing a complete house renovation.

Total Home Renovation in Only FOUR WEEKS
Tips for planning a home renovation project
Strategies for buying cheap home improvement supplies
Overview of financing options for home improvements
Step-by-step guide for completing a full house renovation
Understanding the costs of a home renovation project

Step 1: Assess Whether to Renovate

If you’re wondering whether it’s time to renovate your home, consider the following questions:

  • How old is my house?
  • Is there any damage that needs repairing? (For example, are there cracks in the walls or holes in the roof?)
  • Are all of my appliances working properly? If not, what needs replacing and how much will it cost me? (For example, are my electrical cables outdated and need to be replaced or has my refrigerator stopped working completely.)

However, our guide on how to plan a home renovation project can help simplify the process by outlining the steps needed to create a comprehensive plan.

Step 2: Budget for the Renovation

Budget for the building materials.

Budget for the labor. Employers pay their employees’ salaries, which is why it’s important to know how much each employee will cost you before hiring them and putting them on your payroll. 

While you can calculate this manually, there are also software that can do it automatically based on a few variables like experience level, skill set and so on.

Budget for contractors and permits/inspections during renovation projects as well (if applicable).

Sure, here’s a table with recommendations for budgeting for a renovation:

Budget for the Renovation

Recommendations for Budgeting for a Renovation
Identify your priorities and create a wish-list
Research the costs of materials and labor
Get multiple quotes from contractors
Consider financing options, such as home equity loans or personal loans
Include a contingency buffer of at least 10% to cover unexpected costs

This table provides recommendations for budgeting for a renovation, including creating a wish-list of your priorities, researching costs, and considering financing options. It also suggests including a contingency buffer to account for any unexpected costs that may arise.

Step 3: Draw up a Plan of Action

Before you start, it’s important to have a plan in place. This is where your skills as a planner will come into play. 

Some people are naturally good at planning and others aren’t, but most can learn how to do it well with practice and patience.

Here are some tips for planning your renovation:

Make a list of everything you want to change or add in your home. Look at the rooms individually and the entire house as a whole before making any decisions on what needs attention. 

Plan out each room separately so that you know exactly what needs done and can prioritize accordingly when working on each space during construction or remodeling projects later on down the road!

Think about how much time/money/energy etc., which means there should be no excuse not

Home renovations often come with a hefty price tag, but you don’t have to break the bank to get quality home improvement supplies. Check out our recommended sources for buying cheap home improvement supplies to ensure that your renovation project stays within budget.

Step 4: Decide Where to Start First

Once you have decided to renovate your house, it is important to know where to start. There are various ways that you can go about doing this. You should first decide which room will make the most money when you sell your house in the future. 

The best way to do this is by thinking about what type of room would be most valuable for potential buyers. For example, a spare bathroom or backyard can be completely redone and thus become more appealing to potential buyers who like outdoor spaces or want an extra bathroom in their new home.

If you are not sure where exactly to begin with your renovations, why not focus on making money? 

It doesn’t really matter how much work goes into renovating a particular room if it doesn’t add any value when selling your property later down the road – so make sure that there’s something worth investing time and effort into priorizing before starting anything else!

Sure, here’s a table with recommendations on deciding where to start first when beginning a renovation project:

Decide Where to Start First

Recommendations for Deciding Where to Start First
Conduct a home inspection to identify any major issues or repairs
Prioritize projects based on safety concerns, such as fixing electrical or plumbing issues
Focus on projects that will increase the value of your home, such as updating kitchens or bathrooms
Consider the scope of each project and the level of disruption it may cause to your daily life
Look for projects that can be completed relatively quickly and with minimal disruption to your routine

This table offers recommendations on deciding where to start first when beginning a renovation project, including conducting a home inspection, prioritizing safety concerns, focusing on value-increasing projects, considering the level of disruption, and looking for quick and easy projects to complete.

Step 5: Organize a Temporary Kitchen

There are two ways to do this:

Rent a kitchen trailer. These trailers can be used as an entire kitchen or just the refrigerator, stove and sink. The advantage of these trailers is that they include all the appliances and they’re durable enough so you can use them in any weather condition.

Financing home improvements can be tricky, but exploring different funding options can make the process easier. Our guide on getting financing for home improvements provides an overview of the various financing options available to homeowners, including home equity loans and personal loans.

Step 6: Find a Builder and Ask for Quotes

Next, you need to find a builder. You will want to check his or her references and make sure that the builder is licensed and insured. You should also get an estimate from several builders so that you can compare costs and make sure your project fits in with your budget.

If you are going through a renovation on an older home, it is important that the person doing the work has experience working on old houses because many older homes have unique problems like dry rot or mold issues that may require extra care or attention during construction.

In addition, ask for quotes from several different contractors in order to compare prices of materials and labor as well as how much time it takes each contractor’s crews to complete projects of similar size and complexity as yours (this way when comparing bids).

Step 7: Plan Your Parking and Storage

You’ve made it through the planning phase of your renovation and have a detailed plan for how you’re going to tackle each room. Now, it’s time to take those plans and put them into action!

Here are some things you’ll need to consider as you get ready for construction:

Parking—This is especially important if your contractor is bringing along his or her own materials and tools. Be sure there’s plenty of space in front of your home where they can park their truck, trailer, or even large delivery truck. 

It also helps if there’s a clear path between the street and where they will be working so that deliveries aren’t delayed by other cars parked along the road. Make sure this area is well-lit at night (and no trees!) so everyone can see clearly while driving into the area.

Storage—Your contractor may need access to storage space inside or outside your home depending on what materials he or she uses during construction (ladders, scaffolding). 

The same goes for tools needed during various stages of construction such as drills and saws. You might also want some extra space where furniture can be stored until it’s put back in place after renovations are complete

Completing a full house renovation project requires careful planning to ensure that nothing is overlooked. Our guide on how to do a complete house renovation provides a detailed roadmap for homeowners, from creating a budget to designing a functional living space.

Step 8: Work Out What You Can Do Yourself

If you’re looking to save money and learn new skills, try doing some of the small jobs yourself. It’s always a good idea to read up on techniques before starting any project. 

The internet is full of information about how to DIY everything from laying tiles to installing a light switch. If you have any questions, don’t be afraid to ask other people who have been there before.

If you are handy with DIY, it may be possible for your whole renovation project will only cost around $3,000-$5,000 depending on what exactly needs doing and what materials are required (however if this is your first time doing such a big job then expect it to take longer than expected).

Step 9: Have a Backup Plan if Something Goes Wrong

If you’ve thought through all the steps, and still have some concerns about whether you’re about to embark on a journey that will end in disaster, then now is the time to pay attention to that nagging voice in the back of your head.

If something goes wrong and it might! make sure you have a plan B. Don’t be afraid to ask for help from friends and family members who have done renovations before (if they live close enough). 

If there are any problems with contractors or builders during the renovation process, talk them through with someone else’s input (again, if they’re close by). It’s better than not having anyone at all if things go south!

Before embarking on a home renovation project, it’s important to have an estimate of the costs involved. Our guide on determining the cost of a home renovation project can help homeowners calculate the costs involved in renovating a home, including materials, labor, and permit fees.

Step 10. Set Aside an Emergency Fund to Cover Unexpected Costs

If you have a renovation budget, chances are you have some idea of what the total costs of your project will be. 

However, it’s important to know that there can always be unexpected costs during a renovation. Here are some things to keep in mind:

You should set aside an emergency fund for any unplanned expenses that might come up during the course of your remodel.

This fund should cover all the possible “what if” scenarios—beyond just unforeseen expenses related to this project alone—and not just those related specifically to remodeling or renovating a home.

Set aside enough money so that if something unexpected happens (such as if someone gets injured working on your home), you’ll have enough funds available until repairs can be made or whatever needs replacing can be replaced by someone else (like hiring another contractor).


The renovation process can be overwhelming, but if you take each step one at a time and plan ahead, it’s not as complicated as it seems. 

You could even consider hiring someone to help you with all of this work. At the end of the day, your home will be transformed into something that looks brand new!