How Do I Plan A Home Renovation? (Explained)

Planning a home renovation can be a daunting task, especially if you’re doing it on your own. But as long as you remain organized and patient, it’s also one of the most rewarding experiences in life. 

I’ve been renovating my house since high school, so I’ve learned a few things along the way. And while every situation is different and every homeowner has different needs, here are some tips to help you get started:

Tips for Designing a Home Renovation to Increase Home Value
Key Takeaways
Setting a budget is crucial to ensure the success of your home renovation project.
Preparing thoroughly helps prevent unexpected costs or delays.
When hiring a contractor, be sure to research reviews, references, and look for transparency.
Saving money on your renovation can be achieved with careful planning and looking for cost-effective materials.
Permit requirements can vary depending on your location and the scope of your project, so be sure to research beforehand.

Create A Budget

The first step in creating a plan for your home is to create a budget. This will help you make sure that you are spending your money wisely, while also ensuring that the project is completed on time and within budget. 

According to the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB), “A good rule of thumb is to set aside 10%-15% of the total cost of your project for unforeseen expenses.” 

This means that if you plan on spending $10,000 on renovations, expect to pay between $1,000 and $1,500 extra just in case anything unexpected occurs during the process.

There are two basic types of budgets: cash flow and expense tracking. A cash flow budget focuses on where money comes from and where it goes; an expense tracking one tracks all expenses during a certain period (such as a month). 

Both are useful ways to manage finances properly; however, most people find themselves using both methods at different times throughout different projects because each one has its own benefits when used properly by someone who knows what they’re doing!

When it comes to home renovations, having a solid plan in place is essential. To ensure your project runs smoothly from start to finish, check out our guide on making a home renovation plan for expert tips and advice.

Inspect The Space

The first step in planning a home renovation is to inspect the space. What are the current problems? What are the current assets? 

How do you want to use this space? What are your goals for this project? You will have many questions and it’s important that you ask yourself all of them before moving forward. 

If there is anything about your home that needs improvement, it should be addressed during this phase so that you don’t waste money on something more than once.

You may also want to consider what kind of budget you have for this project. If there is no cap on how much money can be spent then plan accordingly but if there is a budget then make sure not to go over by too much!

Inspect The Space

Key Questions to Consider
What is the current state of the space you want to renovate?
What problems do you want to address with the renovation?
What features do you want to keep or enhance?
Are there any structural or safety issues that need to be addressed before the renovation takes place?
Do you need to make any changes to improve the functionality of the space?

Create A Mood Board

A mood board is a collage of images that shows the look and feel you would like to achieve. They are a great way to visually communicate your vision of the renovation to others, and it’s also helpful for planning out your renovations in advance.

Creating a mood board is easy! Just collect images that represent what you want your space to look like, then arrange them on a large piece of paper or cardboard so that they flow together visually. 

You can use magazines, books, postcards—anything with pictures in them will do! You can even take photos yourself if you have something specific in mind that doesn’t already exist as an image online (like an unusual tile pattern).

Once your mood board is complete, hang up somewhere where everyone who works on the project will see it daily. That way they’ll be inspired by its beauty each morning when they come into work!

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Find Inspiration

Start your home renovation by finding inspiration. There are many ways you can do this:

  • Look at magazines, books, and online resources for ideas that you like.
  • Use Pinterest to help you find ideas (you can even follow me!).
  • Visit a local store that sells home decor accessories and look around. You’ll see all sorts of things that you might not have thought were possible in your own home!

Take a look at the current state of your home—what do you like? What don’t you like? If your bathroom needs an update but it’s too small for an entirely new design, try adding a new shower curtain or towels with fun prints on them instead! 

Once these changes are made, it will feel like something is different without having to completely overhaul everything at once.

Plan A Schedule

Planning is a time-consuming process, but it’s also one of the most important parts of your renovation. Planning and scheduling are two different things though, so let’s take a closer look at the latter.

A schedule is a series of events planned out over time. It allows you to see what needs to be done when, and ensures that everything will get done on time (or close to it). 

It’s also an extremely useful tool for budgeting purposes—you won’t have any surprises when it comes time for paying contractors or buying supplies!

There are many ways to make your own home renovation schedule; we’ll tell you how below:

First off all make sure that everyone who works on the project knows what they need to do each day or week in order start working on some projects immediately after another finishes up its work so there aren’t any delays while waiting around until something else is finished before starting

Keeping a well-maintained home is crucial for personal comfort and safety. If you’re in need of free home repairs, our comprehensive guide provides insights on where to get help and the resources available to you.

Know Your Contractor

Finding the right contractor can be a difficult task. You want to make sure that your contractor is qualified and properly insured, but how do you know if they’re the right fit for your project?

Ask for recommendations from friends or family members who have recently completed renovations. If they’re satisfied with their work, ask them what made them choose their contractor in particular.

Check out online reviews on sites like Angie’s List and HomeAdvisor (formerly ServiceMagic). These sites allow users to rate contractors based on cost, quality of workmanship, timeliness and communication skills. 

You can also read reviews left by past customers who’ve hired the same types of companies as those listed on these sites so that you get an idea of what their experiences were like and whether or not there were any problems with their jobs.

Know Your Contractor

Key Questions to Ask
What licenses and certifications do you have?
Can you provide references or examples of past work?
What is your experience with similar projects, and how long have you been in the industry?
Do you have any insurance coverage, and what does it include?
Can you provide a detailed estimate and timeline for the project?
Will you be hiring subcontractors, and if so, what is your relationship with them?
How do you handle communication and changes during the project?
What is your payment schedule and refund policy?
How do you ensure customer satisfaction after the project is completed?

Know Your Limits And Comfort Levels

Your budget should be a factor in your renovation plan, but it doesn’t have to be a deal-breaker. You can always stretch yourself a little further if you really want to make something happen.

If you think the idea of renovating is just too overwhelming, try writing down all of the things that are stressing you out about it. 

Then see if there’s anything from this list that might not fit into your plans after all. And finally and most importantly remember that renovating is supposed to make your life better! 

It shouldn’t stress or overwhelm or make you unhappy; it should enhance and enrich every aspect of who you are as an individual and as part of a family unit

When you’re on the hunt for affordable plumbing supplies, it’s easy to get caught up in the search. Instead of sifting through hundreds of websites, check out our guide on where to buy cheap plumbing supplies to find what you need quickly and easily.

Check Your Permits And Insurance

Now that you’ve decided to renovate your home, it’s time to make sure everything is in order. You should confirm that your contractor has the proper licenses and insurance coverage so you don’t get hit with any unexpected costs when the work begins. 

You should also make sure that you’re properly insured and have taken out building permits if required by local ordinances. 

Finally, check with the city or county government about whether your contractor needs a license to do work in your neighborhood; this will ensure everyone stays on the right side of the law!

Establish Communication Channels

Next, you need to set up communication channels. You’ll want to use a calendar or project management software like Basecamp for this (or both!). 

The first step is deciding who will be communicating with the contractor and subcontractors. It’s important that everyone knows exactly what they’re supposed to do and when they’re supposed to do it by. 

Your contractor should be able to keep track of everything that needs doing according your plan and schedule, so that there aren’t any surprises later on down the line.

If you’re hiring subcontractors, then they should also have access to your project management system so that they can see what work has been assigned them and which parts are done already. 

They’ll know whether or not they need supplies before starting on their part of the job too! You might want one person who manages all communication between everyone involved in order for things not get too confusing down at city hall when it comes time for permits etcetera.”

Installing new flooring can transform a room, but it can also be a daunting task. If you’re looking to purchase vinyl plank flooring, our guide to where to buy vinyl plank flooring offers a comprehensive list of reliable retailers to help you make the right choice.

Get To Know Your Neighbors

Get to know your neighbors. It’s easy to write this off as a silly suggestion, but I mean it in the most literal sense possible. You will be living with them for months and possibly years, so they’ll be your main source of support and advice during the renovation process. 

Not only will you benefit from their knowledge of local contractors, but they can also give you important insight into what works well in the neighborhood and what doesn’t.

If there’s anything else that seems amiss—more than one house on the block has been vandalized recently, or there are large piles of trash in front of some homes—they’ll know about it long before you do.

Set Up Home Base Elsewhere

If you’re planning a home renovation, it’s important to consider what will happen when your house becomes a construction zone. You can take steps to make this process easier on yourself by setting up home base elsewhere.

  • Make sure you have a place to go to get away from the noise.
  • Make sure you have a place to store your stuff before and after the renovations are done.
  • Make sure you have enough space where friends and family can stay if needed. Be sure that this room is close by so they don’t feel like they’re being exiled into the wilderness! This can also be helpful for keeping valuables safe during construction (or afterward).

Have Fun!

The most important thing to remember as you embark on your renovation is to enjoy the process. 

Don’t be surprised if you find yourself excited about something that was previously mundane, or even miserable! You can use this excitement to keep yourself motivated when things get challenging and tedious.

When all is said and done, though, don’t forget the reason why we renovate in the first place: for enjoyment! Enjoy the new space that you’ve created for yourself, with plenty of room for family and friends to congregate together (or just with each other). 

Enjoy having a nice new kitchen where recipes come alive in front of your eyes as they cook themselves into perfection (or at least tasty-looking food). Enjoy being able enjoy every aspect of life again—the way it should be!


Hopefully, these tips will help you plan the renovation of your home. As always, remember to have fun with it and enjoy the process.

Further Reading

A Renovation Rundown: 5 Steps to a Successful Remodel: This article goes over the five essential steps for ensuring a successful home renovation project.

How to Renovate a House: The Ultimate Guide: A comprehensive guide to renovating a house, including important preparation steps, dealing with contractors, and DIY options.

Renovation Planning Guide: A handy renovation planning guide that includes key questions to ask yourself and tips for staying on budget.


How do I plan a successful home renovation?

Planning a home renovation project involves several steps, including determining your budget, creating a timeline, and deciding on the scope of the project. Check out this guide on making a home renovation plan for more information.

How important is it to prepare for a home renovation?

Preparing for a home renovation can help you avoid unexpected costs and prevent delays. Before starting your renovation project, be sure to carefully plan and understand the work involved.

How do I find a reliable contractor for my home renovation project?

Finding a reliable contractor starts with doing your research and checking reviews and references. You can also ask friends and family for recommendations, or check with local home improvement stores.

How can I save money on my home renovation project?

Saving money on a home renovation project involves careful planning, budgeting, and looking for discounts on materials and labor.

Do I need permits for my home renovation project?

Permit requirements can vary depending on the scope of your project and local regulations. Be sure to check with your local municipality to determine whether you need permits for your home renovation project, and if so, which ones.