How Do I Get A Plumbing Contract? (Explained)

When it comes to the plumbing contracting business, there are plenty of opportunities for new companies to get started. You just need to know where to look and how to approach them. In this post we’ll show you some of our best tips for finding good contracts and making sure they’re not going anywhere else!

How To Become A Plumbing Contractor | Pro Insights
Understanding the basics of plumbing contracts is important to protect yourself as a client.
A well-written plumbing contract should include detailed information about the project, payment terms, timelines, warranties, and any other relevant details.
Finding a reputable plumbing contractor is key to ensuring that your project is completed on time and within budget.
There are many resources available online that can help you learn more about plumbing contracts and what to expect.
Don’t be afraid to ask questions or negotiate terms before signing a plumbing contract. It’s important to make sure that everything is clear and agreed upon before any work begins.

Tip #1. Follow The Money

If you are a plumber, the first task is to find where the money is. You can do this by following the big projects and companies.

Follow the money for large projects: If you want to know where all of the people are going to be in your industry, follow their money. 

Where does it go? What does it do? The answer lies in following large projects that pay out a lot of money at once. 

A few examples include government contracts and home remodeling jobs. Keep an eye on these opportunities because they will often attract multiple companies who offer services related to plumbing or other aspects of construction and renovation work, including landscaping or electrical work

Need help with identifying your plumbing vent stack? Check out our step-by-step guide to learn how to easily locate and fix problems with your plumbing vent system.

Tip #2. A Little Research Goes A Long Way

A little bit of research will go a long way towards helping you make a decision on which plumber to work with. 

The more information you gather, the better your chances will be at finding the right company for your needs. I recommend that you do some research into:

Current projects in the area – how many jobs is each company working on? Who are their customers? What kind of quality product do they provide?

Future projects in the area – what are local businesses planning on investing in next year or so? Where are they putting money into expanding their facilities?

Industry trends – where is this industry heading over time and what effect does that have on market opportunities (and competition)?

Companies themselves – what kind of reputation do individual companies have within this industry as far as customer service goes; how big are they financially; how long has each one been around; etc…

Research Tips

Research TipDescription
Get referralsAsking friends, family, and coworkers for recommendations can be a great way to find a trusted plumber.
Check reviewsSearch online for reviews and ratings on websites like Yelp, Google, and Angie’s List to see what others are saying about the plumber.
Verify license and insuranceMake sure the plumber you are considering has a valid license and insurance to protect yourself from any liability.
Ask for referencesDon’t be afraid to ask the plumber for references from past clients. This can give you a better understanding of their work and reliability.
Get multiple quotesObtaining multiple quotes from different plumbers can help you compare prices and services, making it easier to make an informed decision.

Tip #3. Identify Your Ideal Client

The first step to getting a plumbing contract is identifying the clients you want to work with. You can’t just sign up for any old job – you have to be strategic in your approach and make sure that your target client base fits well with what you want to do and how much time/money/effort you’re willing to put into it.

Plumbing Contractors can serve many different types of customers, but before we dive into that too deeply, let’s start by defining our own ideal client:

  • Someone who needs a plumber urgently (or at least within 3-6 months).
  • Someone who has enough money for quality workmanship and materials (they won’t come to me if they don’t have any money).

Plumbing problems can be frustrating, but with the right tools and knowledge, you can fix them easily. Our pro guide on plumbing repair provides expert tips and tricks to help you tackle simple plumbing issues at home.

Tip #4. Sift Through The News

You need to know what’s going on in the plumbing industry, and there are many avenues available to help you do this.

Follow industry news: The internet is a wonderful source of information. You can find podcasts, blogs and other sites dedicated to plumbing news that will give you an idea of what’s happening in your area. 

A good place to start is local plumbers’ associations or trade organizations; they tend to be great sources for finding out what’s going on in the industry and how it might affect your business.

Find out what’s going on in your local area: Along with finding out about national news regarding plumbing jobs, it’s also important that you stay up-to-date on developments at home—or where ever you plan on doing most of your work as a plumber! 

That way if any new laws or regulations come into effect locally (for example), then those won’t surprise anyone when they arrive at work one day soon after being passed into law by officials at state level down below them too 🙂

Tip #5. Don’t Overlook Local Government Projects

Many contractors overlook local government projects. This is a mistake because local governments often have large amounts of money to spend on projects and they’re often looking for contractors with a proven track record of getting things done quickly and efficiently. 

If you can prove that you’re the right contractor for the job, you’ll be able to secure some lucrative contracts from local governments in no time!

Running plumbing pipes can be a daunting task, but with our pro tips on pipe installation, you’ll be able to do it like a pro! We cover everything from choosing the right materials to avoiding common mistakes.

Tip #6. Target Commercial Projects

When you’re starting out in the plumbing business, targeting commercial projects is a good way to get your foot in the door.

A lot of plumbers do this because it can be a great way to build a reputation for yourself as well. If you build up a solid reputation with companies in your area, they will remember you when they have work down the road.

Targeting Commercial Projects

Potential Commercial ProjectsDescription
Office BuildingsOffice buildings require regular plumbing maintenance and repairs, including bathroom and kitchen plumbing.
Schools and UniversitiesSchools and universities often have large plumbing systems and require plumbing services for maintenance, repairs, and installations.
Hotels and HospitalityHotels, motels, and other hospitality businesses require plumbing services for their guests’ comfort and safety.
Restaurants and Food ServiceRestaurants and food service establishments require plumbing services for their kitchen equipment and plumbing systems, as well as for general maintenance and repairs.
Medical FacilitiesMedical facilities such as hospitals, clinics, and doctor’s offices require plumbing services for patient rooms, operating rooms, and medical equipment.

Targeting commercial projects requires a specialized approach, as these projects have unique requirements and regulations. Focusing on these potential projects can help you establish a strong reputation in the industry and build your business over time.

Tip #7. Follow Up On No Bid Contracts

Follow up with the company. Once you receive a no bid contract, make sure you follow up with the company to find out why they didn’t choose your company. It’s important to ask them for feedback and use it as an opportunity to explain why they should give you their business

Be prepared to explain why you should be awarded the contract. If you have done everything right in your first bid submission, then this question should not be difficult to answer!

Everyone loves a good deal, especially when it comes to plumbing supplies. Our guide on where to buy cheap plumbing supplies offers tips on where to find affordable plumbing materials without sacrificing quality.

Tip #8. Remember To Meet The Right People

Remember to meet the right people. In this case, there are two kinds of people: those who can help you with your business, and those who can provide services for your clients.

“Right” in this context means that these folks have an interest in what you do; they’re not just going to be indifferent or dismissive of it. 

They’ll also be able to give you advice on how they’ve overcome obstacles and challenges in their own careers so far—and the more diverse their backgrounds, the better! 

If a plumber has been working for 30 years but has never left his hometown, he probably won’t know much about running his own company (or even if he should).

But while it’s important to find mentors who’ll guide you through certain aspects of plumbing work and life as a contractor/business owner…

Tip #9. Have A System In Place To Track Bids

Having a system in place to track bids is the best way to stay organized and make sure that you don’t miss anything. 

Make sure each bid has an entry, whether it’s an email or a phone call. This will help you remember where things stand with each contractor and when they’re due back. You can use a spreadsheet or any other document management system to keep track of all the bids from contractors and their status.

You should also have a calendar set up so that you can schedule follow-up calls and meetings with your potential plumbing contractors at specific times. 

This way everyone knows what’s going on with their bids, which makes it easier for them to plan their schedules accordingly so they don’t miss out on any opportunities that could lead them closer towards getting hired by someone who needs their services right away!

Are you thinking about upgrading your plumbing system? Learn about the advantages of plumbing upgrades in our latest article. From improved efficiency to increased home value, we cover all the reasons why upgrading your plumbing is a smart investment.

Tip #10. Be Prepared For Rejection And Failure

It’s important to remember that rejection is a normal part of the business world. You will get rejected many times before you get a contract. Don’t take it personally; it’s just business. You will eventually get the plumbing contract you want, so don’t be afraid to try again!

Tip #11. Figure Out Your Non-Competes Now

You should also consider non-competes. Non-competes are legal agreements that prevent you from working in a certain industry or area. For example, if you work as a plumber in the city, you may not be able to work as a plumber in the suburbs.

Tip #12. Take Advantage Of Upcoming Events And Industry Conferences

Aside from attending networking events, there are also a number of industry conferences that you can take advantage of. 

These events are usually hosted by a company in the plumbing industry and provide valuable information about advances in the field. You’ll learn more about new products and services available to you and meet people from other companies who know how to run their business well.


There’s a lot of information here, but it’s all worth knowing. So, if you want to get into the plumbing business and start bidding on contracts, then now is the time to get started! 

Once you have all of these tips under your belt, it should be much easier for you to track down the best opportunities available in your area.

Further Reading

Here are some additional resources that you may find useful when it comes to plumbing contracts:

Contracts Counsel – Gain a better understanding of plumbing contracts and what they should cover, including payment terms, warranties, and more.

BizInsure – If you’re interested in becoming a plumbing contractor, this guide provides a great starting point.

Benjamin Franklin Plumbing – Learn about the key differences between plumbers and plumbing contractors, and figure out which one you need for your project.


What is a plumbing contract?

A plumbing contract is a legally binding agreement between a plumber or plumbing company and a client. It outlines the scope of work, payment terms, timelines, and any other relevant details related to the plumbing project.

What should be included in a plumbing contract?

A plumbing contract should include a detailed description of the work to be done, payment terms, timelines, warranties, and any other specific requirements that are relevant to the project.

How do I find a reputable plumbing contractor?

When searching for a plumbing contractor, it’s important to ask for recommendations from friends, family, and neighbors. You can also search online for reviews and ratings from previous customers and check their credentials and licensing information.

How much does a plumbing contract cost?

The cost of a plumbing contract will depend on the scope of work, materials needed, labor costs, and other factors. It’s important to get a detailed estimate from the contractor before starting the project to avoid any surprises.

Can I make changes to a plumbing contract after it’s been signed?

Changes to a plumbing contract can be made, but they should be agreed upon by both parties and documented in writing. Any changes to the original contract should be signed and dated by all parties involved.