How Do I Get A Home Improvement Contract?

When you’re ready to get started with your home improvement business, it’s important to know where to begin. While you can certainly start out by doing small jobs around your neighborhood, it’s wise to go into the process with a plan in mind. Follow these tips and you’ll be on track in no time!

Home Improvement Contracts
Key Takeaways From
Determine the scope of your project and create a detailed plan that includes a budget and timeline.
Research and interview potential contractors to find the right professional for your needs.
Ask for references and check contractor licensing and insurance.
Request a written contract that includes detailed project specifications, payment terms, and dispute resolution provisions.
Understand your rights and responsibilities as a homeowner, including your right to cancel the contract within a certain timeframe.

#1. Do Your Homework

Do your homework on the local market. You want to be sure that you’re getting a fair deal, and this means doing a little research before you start negotiating with contractors. Take some time to look at comparable homes in your area, and get an idea of what they’ve sold for recently.

Do your homework on the local contractors. For example, if there are several contractors that specialize in building decks in your city, check out their websites and see which ones look like they have the best work history (and most importantly customer reviews). 

The more information you have about each contractor’s past projects and reputation, the better equipped you’ll be when it comes time to negotiate prices with them all!

Do your homework on local building codes too! Depending on where exactly you live these may vary from place-to-place but generally speaking there will always be certain requirements builders must adhere  to–and those include things like insulation levels required by law as well as materials used throughout construction processes (such as wood types).

Are you considering home renovations, but not sure where to begin? Our comprehensive guide to home renovations breaks down everything you need to know to get started, from planning and budgeting to selecting the right contractor for the job.

#2. Get Your Paperwork in Order and Keep Records

Keep Records

Keep all your business records in order and up to date. You should keep a copy of every contract, invoice, receipt and other record relating to your business transactions. 

It is also a good idea to keep copies of any licenses or permits you have obtained for the operation of the business, as well as tax returns for the previous two years. 

You will want to make sure that you are able to provide all this information if asked by a lender or prospective client when applying for financing or entering into an agreement with them.

Key Documents and Record-Keeping Checklist

Relevant DocumentsWhy They’re Important
Homeowner’s insurance policyProtects your home and belongings in the event of damage or loss.
Building permitEnsures that the construction work is up to code and that you’re in compliance with local regulations.
Contractor license and insuranceVerifies that your contractor is licensed and insured and can provide work that meets industry standards.
Written contractEstablishes the scope of work, payment terms, completion timeline, and any other relevant details for your project.
Receipts and invoicesDocuments the cost of the project and is necessary for accounting and tax purposes.
Warranty and guarantee informationOutlines the terms and conditions of any warranties or guarantees provided by the contractor or manufacturer.
Change ordersDocuments any changes to the original project scope and ensures that everyone is on the same page with regards to the project expectations and costs.
Inspection reportsHelps ensure that the work is done correctly and is in compliance with building codes and regulations.
Before and after photosDocuments the progress and outcome of your project, is useful for insurance claims and for advertising your success.

#3. Track Previous Jobs

Keep records. It’s that simple. If you want to be a professional, the first step is keeping thorough records of all jobs and contact information, as well as any invoices or payments you receive in return. 

You don’t have to do this on your own—you can use software like QuickBooks Online (QBO) or Xero to manage these tasks for you.

You also need good material management systems in place so that when a customer asks for certain materials, such as paint colors or flooring options, they know exactly what they’re getting into before they hire you on their project!

If you’re in need of plumbing services, it’s crucial to find an experienced and reliable contractor. Our article on getting a plumbing contract outlines the essential steps you should take to ensure that you choose the right professional for your plumbing needs.

#4. Take Professional Pictures of Previous Projects

The next step is to take professional photos of your previous projects. If you’re an experienced photographer and have the equipment to capture good images, that’s great! But if not, hire someone who can do it for you. 

You want your portfolio to be consistent with a unified look and feel—having different photographers for each project will make it seem disjointed, which could turn off clients who are looking for consistency. 

The other thing is that people like seeing work in context—for example, if there was a giant deck or patio outside when I did my photo shoot for House #2, I should also include shots of this same deck or patio in my photos of House #3 so potential customers know what they’re getting into if they hire me again (or not).

Another thing to keep in mind is making sure all lighting conditions are optimal during shooting: no shadows; nothing too bright; nothing too dim; no glare on any surfaces (glass). 

Also make sure the walls aren’t covered with old posters or ugly wallpaper because this can distract viewers from paying attention specifically to what matters most – how beautiful our home looks after we’ve done some improvements!

Finally make sure all angles shown clearly highlight each improvement made: don’t show just one side as though it were symmetrical front/back/left/right…

#5. Make Sure You’re Ripe for Business

Check your reputation. Do you have a good reputation in the community? Are you known to be professional and courteous with your customers?

Have a website. A website is what people will see first if they’re looking up information about you or your business, so make sure it looks professional and is easy to navigate.

Have social media presence. Social media accounts are another way for potential clients to get more info about you, so having one or more of these is important for any small business owner’s success!

Get an email list going as soon as possible—or even before starting the rest of this process—so that when someone wants to contact you with questions or concerns (or book an appointment) they can do so easily through their inbox instead of having to wait until they find their phone again later on down that road where there might not be reception anymore…

Fixing your plumbing can seem like a daunting task, but with the right knowledge and tools, you can take on many of the repairs yourself. Check out our guide on fixing plumbing issues for pro tips and step-by-step instructions that will help you tackle common plumbing problems.

#6. Have a Resume for Your Business

A resume is a tool to help you get a job. When writing a resume, you want to make sure that it stands out from all of the other resumes that are also being considered for the same position. 

This can be done by tailoring your experience and skills to match what they need at their company, so that they know right away that you would be able to do the job well and save them time. 

A good rule of thumb is that your resume should be no longer than two pages long, with no more than two or three lines per item on your list of accomplishments (or whatever else might have been required). 

You should also include a cover letter with it when submitting it online or via email as this can help give them an idea about who sent in such an impressive document!

Business Resume Checklist

SectionKey Details to Include
Business OverviewDescription of your business, mission statement, and core values.
Products and ServicesExplanation of the products and services your business offers.
Business HistoryTimeline of major events, such as when the business was founded, significant partnerships, and awards or recognition received.
Key PersonnelInformation on owners, managers, and key staff members, including their qualifications and experience.
Financial InformationRevenue and profit margins, as well as relevant financial metrics such as growth rate and return on investment.
Marketing and Sales StrategyDetails on your target audience and how you plan to reach and sell to them.
Industry Trends and InsightsAnalysis of relevant industry trends and an assessment of how your business fits into the larger marketplace.
Competitive LandscapeAnalysis of your competitors and explanation of how your business differentiates itself in the market.
Future PlansGoals for growth and innovation, and plans for how to achieve those goals.

#7. Ask for Referrals and Testimonials

It’s a good idea to ask for referrals from your clients and suppliers. Ask them if they know anyone who needs home improvement work done. 

If they don’t know anyone, ask them if they’ll give you the name of someone who might know someone who needs home improvement work done. You get the picture!

For example: “Hey, I’m looking for more projects! Do you have any friends or colleagues that need some help around the house?” Then when their friend asks them about your services, they can say: “Oh yeah! Steve was great! He did some work on my bathroom last year.” Or something like that… You get the idea.

Understanding the plumbing vent stack in your home is important for maintaining the health and safety of your plumbing system. Our article on finding your plumbing vent stack provides a clear explanation of what the vent stack is, why it’s necessary, and how to locate it in your home.

#8. Think Like a Client and Work the Process

You also need to understand what the client wants. They’ve hired you because they want something done, and it’s your job to figure out what that is. 

If a client asks for landscaping, but they’re really looking for a fence, then that’s their problem not yours. Once again: don’t be afraid of saying no if someone asks you to do something outside the scope of your business or expertise.

It’s important here not only to know how to do work on your own house or property, but also how it relates back into real estate sales and marketing strategies in general (which we’ll cover in our next section). 

There are many things that go into buying or selling a home that may not be immediately apparent at first glance; but once these processes are understood by both parties involved seller and buyer alike then everyone can make informed decisions about which projects should take priority right now based on their individual needs and preferences rather than being forced into an artificial timeline set by outside forces like seasonal changes in weather patterns (like snowfall), other people’s schedules (like contractors), etcetera).

#9. Check out Home Improvement Blogs

If you are looking for contractors and want to get ideas from other contractors, there is no better place than the internet. There are many home improvement blogs that can help you make the right choice when it comes to hiring a contractor. 

It is important to check out these blogs because they contain relevant information about contractors and their services as well as how they operate. 

These blogs also provide an opportunity for people in different locations around the world to share their experiences with different kinds of contractors in order to help others make informed decisions before hiring them.

You should take some time and read through these blogs so that you can understand how things work in your area or state before deciding on which contractor will best suit your needs based on price range, experience level etc…

Whether you’re building a new home or making plumbing upgrades to your existing one, there are several key considerations to keep in mind to ensure a successful project. Our article on building plumbing systems offers pro tips and best practices for designing and building a plumbing system that works for your needs.

#10. Check Out Job Sites and Boards

The best way to get a home improvement contractor is to find one through word of mouth. If you know someone who’s had a great experience with a contractor, ask them for the contact information and consider giving them your business. 

If you don’t have any personal recommendations, check out local job boards and home improvement stores for contractors in your area. You can also browse sites like Houzz and Angie’s List to find reputable contractors near you.

#11. Work with Other Contractors to Grow Your Business

You may want to consider working with other contractors. This can be a great way to grow your business and create more opportunities for yourself. 

It’s important to have a contract in place so that both parties know what is expected from each other. Make sure you work together as a team and not alone, because if one person does not do their job then it will all fall apart.

#12. Use Big Data to Your Advantage

You should use big data to your advantage. Big data is valuable information about the habits and preferences of a large group of people that can be used to predict future trends, find patterns, and make predictions about what will happen in the future.

As an example, imagine that you are looking for a new restaurant to try out in your neighborhood. You start by searching Google for “best restaurants near me”, but after looking through several pages of results you still can’t decide where to eat. 

That’s where big data comes in handy! By analyzing millions of consumer reviews from thousands of websites like Yelp and TripAdvisor over time, you’ll be able to determine which restaurants have the most positive ratings (and therefore should probably be avoided). This process works especially well if there are similar restaurants nearby – say one on every street corner?

You might wonder how exactly this works; after all isn’t it just opinion based? Not really – when we say there are millions of consumer reviews being analyzed here what we actually mean is that there’s been too much information coming through that it needs its own team dedicated solely towards figuring out what makes sense versus what doesn’t when trying figure out if something works!


Hopefully, this article has given you a better idea of what it takes to get a home improvement contract. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to reach out!

Further reading

Here are some additional resources for learning more about home improvement contracts:

Contracts Counsel – Home Improvement Contracts: A comprehensive overview of home improvement contracts, including what they are and what should be included in them.

California State License Board – What is a Contract?: A guide to understanding contracts for home improvement projects, including what should be included in them and how to protect yourself.

PandaDoc – Home Improvement Contract Template: A free and customizable template for creating a home improvement contract.


What should be included in a home improvement contract?

A home improvement contract should include a detailed description of the work to be done, the materials to be used, a project timeline, payment schedule, and information on warranties and guarantees. It’s also important to include provisions for resolving disputes and addressing changes to the project scope.

How do I know if I need a home improvement contract?

If you are hiring a contractor for a home improvement project that will cost more than a few hundred dollars, you should have a contract in place. This will help protect both you and the contractor, and provide a clear agreement on the scope of the project, materials to be used, and payment terms.

Can I create my own home improvement contract?

Yes, you can create your own home improvement contract using a template or by working with a lawyer. It’s important to make sure the contract includes all necessary details and protections for both you and the contractor.

What happens if there is a dispute over a home improvement contract?

If there is a dispute over a home improvement contract, the best course of action is to try to resolve the issue amicably with the contractor. If this is not possible, you may need to seek mediation or legal action to resolve the dispute.

How do I choose the right contractor for my home improvement project?

Choosing the right contractor for your home improvement project can be a daunting task. It’s important to do your research and ask for references, and to make sure the contractor is licensed and insured. Additionally, you should feel comfortable communicating with the contractor and be confident that they have the necessary experience and expertise to complete the project to your satisfaction.