How Do I Get A Big Landscaping Job? (PRO Tips)

I was talking to my friend the other day about landscaping work, and she said she wanted to get a big landscaping job. 

I told her that it’s not easy and that you have to know what you’re doing in order to get a big contract. Luckily for us, we’ve got some tips on how to accomplish this!

How to do Big Lawn Care & Landscape Jobs for Big profits
Key Takeaways
Importance of creating a stunning landscape design
Tips on where to purchase boulders for landscaping
Guide to building a landscaping trailer
Best techniques for digging for landscaping
Tips and tricks on where to get landscaping stones
Expert tips for landing large landscaping jobs
Proven methods for finding new landscaping customers
Guide to pricing landscaping jobs
Common landscaping services requested by customers
How to ensure quality control on large landscaping jobs

Step 1: Diversify Your Client Base

When you’re just starting out, it’s important to diversify your client base. This will help to ensure that you have a steady income and don’t get stuck with a few clients who aren’t paying their bills. 

It also helps make sure that you don’t lose all of your money if one big job goes south.

Here are some ways to diversify your client base:

Offer services beyond landscaping. If you can offer more than one type of service, then it’s easier for a potential client to find something they want from you. 

For example, if they need a job done in their yard but don’t need any lawn care done at the same time (because maybe they did those things themselves), then offering these two different services makes it easier for them to pay for both jobs without having to worry about hiring two separate contractors or hiring one contractor twice! See? Easy peasy lemon squeezy!

Make sure people know about what kind of work you do—and how much better than anyone else’s work yours is—but also try not being too pushy about letting them know this because sometimes people just like doing things on their own terms instead of being forced into doing stuff by other people who might think differently than we do ourselves.”

If you’re looking to create a stunning landscape design, our guide on landscaping expert tips can help. Gain insights on designing, maintenance, and optimization for your outdoor space.

Step 2: Prepare Your Portfolio

The next step is to prepare your portfolio. This is a collection of the best work you have done so far in the landscaping industry. 

It should contain examples of your best designs, photos showing how well they turned out, and references from past clients.

List your credentials –  Include information about why you are qualified for this job: what kind of education or training did it take to get where you are today?

List skills –  What are some of the specific skills that make up those credentials? For example, if you’re an architect who specializes in designing buildings with green roofs, add information about that specialty on top of basic architectural qualifications like years at college (if any), graduation date(s), and certification(s).

List references – Provide contact numbers or email addresses for at least three people who can speak on behalf of your experience working with them—preferably people whose names will carry weight with potential clients (like former employers or professors).

Landscaping Portfolio

A collection of your best work
Examples of past landscaping projects
Photos showcasing unique designs implemented
Detailed information about each project
Customer feedback and testimonials
Skilled techniques utilized on each project
Before-and-after photos
Awards and recognition for previous projects

Step 3: Get Online

Now that you’ve got a website, it’s time to get online. This means using social media and other online platforms to get your name out there and build up some buzz. 

Build up a following on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest and share links to your website with people who might be interested in what you do.

If you’re just starting out in landscaping, consider creating a free account at Google My Business so people can find you when they search for local businesses like yours.

Look for blogs or forums where people talk about landscaping projects in your area (or places where folks might visit from out of town). 

You could also join an industry group on LinkedIn or other platforms that connect professionals within the same field—this will help bring opportunities for networking into your life!

Adding boulders in your landscaping design could give a unique touch to your outdoor space. Find out where to purchase boulders in your location and other tips on buying boulders for landscaping on our website.

Step 4: Ask For Referrals

If you’ve done a good job for your current clients and you have a strong network of friends, family, and professional contacts, don’t be afraid to ask for referrals. 

Just because you’re asking them doesn’t mean they’ll be rude about it. In fact, most people are flattered that their friends or family would trust them enough to recommend their services!

If your current clientele is small but growing quickly (which is common in the landscaping industry), asking for referrals will only help expand your business faster. 

Your past clients are already familiar with how much work goes into maintaining a beautiful lawn or garden and they’ve seen firsthand how much hard work it takes to maintain one as well so they may feel inclined to share their experiences with others who can benefit from hiring an expert like yourself!

Asking around at social gatherings with other professionals in the local area can also yield good results: 

For example, if there’s an event coming up where many landscapers will be in attendance, consider handing out some promotional materials along with business cards so that attendees will know where they can reach out when looking for someone who does quality work at affordable prices.

Step 5: Partner With Other Professionals

If you don’t have the skills needed to run your business, find a partner who does. It is easier to find others who are interested in working with you when you have a business plan. 

A good idea is to talk with other people about their businesses and see if there are any areas where they could use help. If someone has more experience than you in one area of your company, this may be something that will work well for both parties. 

A partnership can also help offset costs of equipment or services that could be expensive for one person but affordable for two or three people working together.

A landscaping trailer is essential for large landscaping jobs, and if you’re a contractor, you might want to build one. Our guide on building a landscaping trailer can help you with the step-by-step process.

Step 6: Attend Networking Events

Attend events hosted by local organizations and businesses. These events are a great way to network, learn more about the industry and make connections that can help you with future jobs or projects.

If you haven’t been to one of these events before, here are some tips on how to get the most out of them:

Do your research – Before attending an event, look up what it is about and who will be there. This will allow you to ask questions during the networking session that pertain specifically to those topics. Also look up attendees in advance so that when they introduce themselves at the event, they have already heard of your name!

Bring business cards (and have them printed!) – It’s important for people at networking events to remember who we are so we can follow up with them later if needed or keep in contact for future opportunities as well as referrals through their networks too!

Landscaping Networking Events

Home and Garden ShowsAttend local or national home and garden shows to promote your business, network with potential clients or suppliers, and learn about new products and industry trends.
Landscape Industry ConferencesParticipate in industry conferences that offer a wide range of activities, sessions, seminars, and workshops led by experts in the field.
Contractor Trade ShowsAttend contractor trade shows that offer numerous opportunities to make meaningful connections within the landscaping industry.
Professional Association MeetingsNetworking events or meetings hosted by professional associations in the field offer opportunities to connect with other industry professionals, learn about industry updates, and participate in training seminars.
Local Chamber of Commerce MeetupsAttend local Chamber of Commerce meetups to connect with other business professionals, exchange business leads, and attend local events held by the organization.

Step 7: Advertise

If you’re going to have a big landscaping job, you’ll need lots of customers! If you don’t have any, it’s time to advertise. Here are some places where you can do that:

  • Social media (Facebook, Twitter)
  • Local newspapers (the classified section)
  • Phone book (if there is one for your area)
  • Billboards (if your town allows them)

One thing I’ve learned from working as a landscaper is that my customers often find me through word of mouth. 

That’s why advertising on social media works so well—people talk about their experiences with my company and their friends can see how great we are at our work. 

Also when they see us around town we get more recognition because people know who we are. It makes sense too since there aren’t many other companies offering services like ours in town so if they want anything done they’ll come find us!

One of the most common tasks in big landscaping jobs is digging. Learn the best techniques for digging in our guide on how do you dig for landscaping and make your job easier.

Step 8: Offer Incentives For Big Purchases

To make your landscaping job more enticing to potential clients, offer incentives for larger purchases. Some examples include:

  • A discount for those who purchase more than $75 worth of services
  • A free consultation for anyone who signs up with you (this can be done through email or over the phone)
  • A free estimate by a specialist in the industry when they sign up with you and buy at least three services from you (once again, this can be done through email or over the phone)
  • A free design service that will help determine what kind of plants would look best in their yard

In addition to offering these incentives, it’s also helpful to announce any new services on social media. This is an easy way to let potential customers know that there is something new available without having them ask about it directly.

Step 9: Update Your Website and Social Media Regularly

Your website and social media posts should be updated often, with fresh photos and relevant content. This is an effective way to keep clients interested in your company, as well as help them understand how you operate.

You also need to make sure that it’s easy for potential customers to contact you if they have any questions or want to set up an estimate appointment.

Landscaping stones could create unique features in your outdoor space, but it might be tricky to find them. Discover some tips and tricks on where to get landscaping stones on our website.

Step 10: Create A Calendar of Events and Holidays

Finally, you need to create a calendar of events and holidays. This is important because it will help you plan your workload accordingly. You want to make sure that there aren’t too many jobs scheduled for the same week or month so that you can focus on individual projects without getting overwhelmed by work.

When setting up your calendar, it’s best not to book any jobs during major holidays like Christmas, Thanksgiving, New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day since most people are traveling at this time of year. 

If someone asks if they can schedule their landscaping project during a holiday weekend or near another big event like Fourth of July fireworks or Super Bowl Sunday, politely decline their request as politely as possible while explaining why (e.g., “I have already taken on too much work right now so I don’t think I’ll be able to get started on this until after the first week in February.”).

Step 11: Meet With Clients Regularly

If a customer is very hard to get in touch with, you’re going to have a tough time building your business. 

The good news is that there are some simple things you can do to make sure this doesn’t happen:

Meet regularly with clients and ask for feedback on how the project is going. Keep an eye on your emails so you don’t miss important communications from them.

Share ideas and suggestions during the regular meetings with clients. This will build trust between you and them, making it easier for you to get more jobs from them later on!

Keep an eye on what other landscapers are doing in your area by talking with them at conferences or visiting their websites (and maybe even asking for some advice). This way, if someone has something similar going on nearby then yours might not look as impressive anymore!

Step 12: Never Stop Learning!

If you’ve followed the steps in this guide and you’re ready to get started on your landscaping project, it’s time for step 12: never stop learning.

The world of landscaping is constantly changing, so there are always new things to learn about the industry. 

And even if your current job doesn’t require learning anything new at this point, that doesn’t mean that there isn’t something else out there for you to learn about.

If you want to grow as a professional landscaper and continue getting great jobs from clients who appreciate everything that you have to offer them (and have nothing but praise for how hard working and dedicated you are), then it’s important not just to keep up with the latest trends in landscaping but also make sure that they’re reflected in whatever projects they hire us for down here at our company.”


So now that you’re on your way to becoming a landscaper, what are you waiting for? Start your own business and offer your services to local businesses. 

There’s no reason why you shouldn’t be able to find someone who needs your services!

Further Reading

Here are some additional resources you may find helpful:

7 Tips for Landing a High-End Landscaping Job – Learn how to land those big landscaping jobs with this guide full of expert tips. Link

How to Get Landscaping Customers: 10 Proven Methods – Attract new customers and grow your landscaping business with these tried-and-true methods. Link

How to Price Landscaping Jobs – This guide walks you through the process of pricing landscaping jobs, taking into account factors such as materials, labor, overhead, and profit margin. Link


How can I find new customers for my landscaping business?

There are many ways to find new customers for your landscaping business, including creating a professional website, leveraging social media marketing, offering referral incentives, and attending industry events or trade shows.

What are the most common landscaping services that customers request?

Some of the most common landscaping services requested by customers include lawn maintenance, tree and shrub care, landscape design and installation, irrigation system installation and repair, and hardscape installation.

How do I price my landscaping services?

Pricing landscaping services involves calculating the cost of materials, overhead, labor, and profit margin. Consider conducting market research to gain insights on what competitors charge and ensure that your prices align with industry standards.

What should I include in a landscaping contract?

A landscaping contract should include a detailed scope of work, payment terms, timeline, warranty or guarantee provisions, and any relevant legal language. It’s also a good idea to have a lawyer review the contract before finalizing.

How can I ensure quality control on large landscaping jobs?

To ensure quality control on large landscaping jobs, consider creating a detailed project plan, conducting regular site visits and inspections, and communicating frequently with your team and the client. It’s also essential to address any issues or concerns promptly.