How Do I Design A Home Renovation? (Explained)

A home renovation is a big decision. It takes time, money, and effort to renovate a home, so it’s important to make sure you do it right. 

A lot of people make mistakes with their remodels that wind up costing them more money than they planned for or taking longer than expected. Here are some tips for how to design your own renovation that will be efficient and cost-effective:

Tips for Designing a Home Renovation to Increase Home Value
Planning is key to a successful home renovation project.
Understanding the plumbing system can help you diagnose and fix plumbing issues.
Roll-out flooring is a cost-effective and easy way to upgrade your space.
Choosing the right contractor is essential for a successful renovation project.
Communication, goal-setting, and safety are crucial aspects of managing a renovation project.

Start with a Budget

When you’re planning to renovate your home, one of the first things you need to do is figure out how much money you can afford to spend.

Once you know how much cash (or other funding sources) are available, it’s time to figure out what kind of renovation loan makes sense for your project.

There are several different kinds of loans available: mortgage loans, investment loans and personal lines of credit.

Looking to start a home renovation project, but not sure where to begin? Our guide on how do home renovations work covers everything from budgeting, project planning, hiring contractors, and more, to help you get started on your renovation journey.

Find An Architect

Your architect will help you with the design and layout of your home, which can be a daunting task for many homeowners. 

Architects are also able to help you with the building permit process. You’ll have them on speed dial if something goes awry during construction and you’re not sure what to do next or who to talk with about it. 

The best architects keep their clients informed throughout every step of the process so they know what’s going on at all times.

In addition, an experienced architect can offer helpful advice when it comes time to budget out all those renovation costs (and trust me they add up fast). 

They’ll be able to tell you if any options will cost more than they’re worth while other choices might be too cheap and end up costing more in long run repairs down the road (like painting over wallpaper).

Table: Tips for Finding the Right Architect

Look for architects with experience in your specific project type, style, and location.
Check the architect’s credentials and licensing to ensure they have the appropriate education, training, and certification.
Review the architect’s portfolio and previous work to evaluate their design style and quality.
Ask for references and read reviews from previous clients to get a sense of how the architect works and communicates with clients.
Meet with potential architects in person to discuss your project goals, timeline, and budget, and ensure they listen to your ideas and concerns.

Consider Hiring A Designer

A designer can help you with all of the above. They can provide color choices and space planning, which are very important in a renovation. They can also help you select materials and furniture, as well as finishes, features and appliances.

Designer fees vary depending on their experience level and what kind of service they offer. For example, a designer might charge by the hour or by project size (including materials). A designer may also offer packages that include systems such as lighting design or flooring selection for example.

Plumbing issues can be frustrating, but finding the source of the problem doesn’t have to be. Our guide on how do I find my plumbing vent stack explained breaks down the complex plumbing system so you can easily locate the vent stack and identify any potential issues.

Think About Timing

In planning your renovation, think about timing. It can have a big impact on your budget and schedule.

Timing affects:

Your budget. The longer timelines for home renovations are often more costly because the cost of materials increases over time as those materials become more scarce and construction workers become more expensive.

Your schedule. If you’re planning to move into a new house or apartment in six months, it’s best not to start a major renovation until after that point so that you don’t have to get moving again before completing the project (and potentially paying double).

Permits and inspections: Permits require time for them to be applied for, processed and approved before any progress can be made on site; if there are issues with getting permits, they could end up delaying your project even further than expected!

Table: Timing Considerations for Home Renovation Projects

Plan your project timeline based on your availability and the availability of contractors and permits.
Consider seasonal factors like weather when scheduling your renovation project.
Allow for extra time in your project timeline to account for unforeseen issues or delays.
Factor in lead time for materials and equipment delivery when planning your project timeline.
Avoid scheduling your renovation project around major life events like holidays or family vacations.

Get the Paperwork Ready and get Permits

Now that you have decided on your renovation, it’s time to get the paperwork ready and get permits. This will ensure that your renovation is done correctly and on time.

Get all the right permits. A permit is required for most home renovations in Singapore, so it’s important to make sure you have all the necessary documentation before starting any work. Building inspectors can be very strict about this, so don’t forget to talk to them about what kind of permit you need before starting any work!

Start early! We cannot stress enough how important it is for homeowners in Singapore who want to renovate their homes should start early; don’t wait until the last minute because this will cause more stress than necessary when things go wrong later down the road dueto lack of planning or knowledge on how thin

Plumbing problems can be a headache, but fixing them doesn’t have to be. Our pro guide on how do I fix my plumbing covers everything from common plumbing problems, tools needed, and step-by-step instructions to help you tackle any plumbing issues you may encounter.

Make Sure You Have Insurance For Your Remodel

While it’s important to make sure you have enough coverage to cover any potential damage, you want to make sure that your insurance covers the work that you are doing. 

You also want to make sure that if something were to happen during renovations, like a pipe breaking or an appliance breaking down, that your insurance would cover those repairs as well.

When starting a renovation project, most people don’t think about getting insured because they assume their current policy will cover them. 

However, this isn’t always the case. It’s important to read through all of your policies before starting any construction work so that you know exactly what is covered by each one and what isn’t covered at all.

Keep Your Safety In Mind

When renovating your home, it is essential to keep your safety in mind.

This includes having the right tools and equipment, as well as the right safety gear. You should also have insurance coverage, a plan in case of emergencies, fire safety precautions and electrical safety standards followed by an electrician.

Installing roll-out flooring can be a cost-effective and easy way to upgrade your space. Check out our guide on how do you install roll-out flooring explained to learn about the different types of flooring available, as well as helpful tips and tricks for installation.

Plan For Disruption To Daily Life During Construction

When planning your renovation, don’t forget to consider the impact of construction on your daily routine. If you have young children or elderly family members who will be home during the day while crews are working, you’ll need to plan for childcare or elder care. 

If you’re a student or work most days of the week, ask yourself how long it will take to get back and forth from school/work and whether there will be any major delays due to detours around construction zones. 

And if there’s no way around having these major disruptions in your life during construction, try talking with friends and family about taking a vacation together! For example: “Hey guys! We’re having a little trouble finding good places for our kids’ playroom in our new house… so let’s all go on an adventure trip together?!”

Be Flexible And Willing To Adjust Your Plans

As you begin to map out your renovation, it’s important to keep in mind that things may change as you go along. 

It’s also important not to get too attached to any one idea, concept or plan. Is there a piece of furniture or decor that makes you feel like “This is it!” when you see it? Great! 

But don’t be afraid to ask yourself: would this look good in my home? Would this fit with the other pieces I already have? Don’t get too stubborn about certain ideas; be willing to adjust your plans and even scrap them entirely if need be.

The same goes for contractors and materials—be flexible and willing to change your mind if they’re not working out. 

For example, there are many benefits when hiring an interior designer who can help you refine what constitutes “good” versus “bad” taste: he/she will know how much money will allow for each aspect of construction so that nothing gets skipped over due lack of funds (or time), but also won’t overdo anything either (which can lead into another problem). 

The last thing anyone wants is for their house renovation project turn into a nightmare because they were inflexible about budgeting…

Planning a home renovation project can be overwhelming, but our guide on how do I plan a home renovation project provides a comprehensive overview of what to consider when starting your project, from inspiration and budgeting to project management and execution.

Do NOT Skip The Kitchen!

The kitchen is the heart of the house, and where your family spends most of the time. It’s no wonder that many homeowners choose to spend a lot of money remodeling or renovating this room.

However, don’t forget that kitchens can be very expensive to renovate. While it’s important to have a beautiful kitchen, don’t spend all your renovation budget on it you may regret it later when you realize there are other rooms in need of repair or renovation.

While there are plenty of things people do in their kitchens, here are some popular renovations:

  • Replace old appliances with new ones (stovetop, ovens and microwaves)

Don’t Forget About Storage!

When thinking about how to design a home renovation, one of the most important things to consider is storage.

If you’re like most people, you probably want your home to look great—and maybe even add a few extra square feet here and there. 

But whatever ideas or dreams you have for the space should be balanced with practical considerations, including whether or not your home has enough storage for all your items. 

You’ll also want to think about how much space will be required for items that are frequently used (such as laundry baskets) versus those that stay in storage more often (like holiday decorations). And if you have children in the house, they’ll need plenty of places where they can store their toys safely away from other valuables such as fragile knick-knacks and glassware.

Make sure that any new cabinets or shelving units are large enough to accommodate everything without feeling cramped; if this means downsizing some existing furniture pieces into smaller ones so everything fits properly into existing spaces without being crowded out by them then go ahead and do it!

Be Smart With Color Choices

As you’re planning your remodel, it’s important to pay attention to color choices. “The wrong colors can make a room look smaller and more crowded,” says designer Lynn Beason of Beason Interiors in New York City. “On the other hand, the right colors can make a room seem larger and more open.”

It is important to think about how your new paint will work with what’s already in your home and what you may be adding soon. 

If you are buying furniture for the room or have some on order, consider its colors carefully before choosing the color palette for your space. You want everything in sync so that nothing clashes or distracts from each other.

When choosing colors for any part of your home renovation project (including fixtures), use neutral tones that will blend easily into any existing decorating scheme without overpowering it or detracting from what is already there. 

This applies to paint as well as fabrics like drapery fabrics or area rugs: choose something simple that complements everything else but doesn’t compete with it either!

Consider The Future When You Remodel A Home

When you remodel your home, consider the future. This can help you create a house that will grow with you and your family.

You’ll need to think about what your family needs now, but also what they might need in the future. 

And then think about how your family will be different in the future quicker to get out of the house, more likely to be hosting guests or using more space for entertaining. 

You’ll also want to consider how your home will look as it matures: Will it still be able to function well? What items are necessary and which are nice-to-haves?

By answering these questions, you can create a renovation plan that is flexible enough for any scenario while still staying within budget and within reason (i.e., not installing an entire kitchenette just because).

Design Your Renovation Wisely So That You Don’t Regret Your Choices Later!

Designing a home renovation is no easy task, especially when it comes to figuring out how to remodel your existing space. 

While it may be tempting to just start ripping apart walls and cutting out other structural elements, you should also think about your future goals and plans. For example, if you are planning on having kids in the near future, you’ll probably want at least one room (if not more) that will be able to accommodate them as they grow up. 

The same goes for designing a kitchen or bathroom – making sure there’s enough space for cooking appliances will save time and frustration later on down the road!

The lesson here? Don’t rush into making any big decisions during this process; think carefully about what changes would make sense in terms of long-term goals/plans before proceeding with any kind of renovations!


I hope that this article was helpful, and that you are now ready to take on your next home renovation with a little more confidence. 

Remember to start with a budget, get an architect involved early on in the process, and consider hiring a designer if necessary. 

Also consider timing so that you don’t end up with too much disruption during construction or after completion!

Further Reading

Here are some additional resources to help you with your home renovation project:

Renovation Planning Guide: A comprehensive guide to planning and executing a successful renovation, including determining your renovation goals, working with a contractor, and staying on budget.

Home Design Renovation Steps: A step-by-step guide to the home renovation process, from identifying areas in need of renovation to selecting the right finishes and managing the project timeline.

How to Renovate a House: A comprehensive guide to renovating a house, from developing a project plan to managing the renovation process and identifying potential renovation pitfalls.


What are some common reasons for starting a home renovation project?

Home renovation projects can be started for a variety of reasons, such as improving the aesthetics of a space, increasing functionality and efficiency, accommodating changing lifestyle needs, and increasing the value of a home.

How can I determine my budget for a renovation project?

Determining your renovation budget requires careful consideration of factors such as the scale of the project, the cost of labor and materials, and your financial resources. It’s important to set a realistic budget from the outset of the project and work with a contractor to identify ways to achieve your renovation goals while staying within your budget.

What are some common mistakes to avoid during a home renovation project?

Common mistakes to avoid during a home renovation project include failing to establish and stick to a budget, ignoring necessary permits and regulations, overlooking key design details, and failing to effectively communicate with contractors and other professionals involved in the project.

How do I select the right contractor for my home renovation project?

Selecting the right contractor for your renovation project requires careful research and consideration of factors such as the contractor’s experience, qualifications, reputation, and pricing. It’s important to work with a contractor who is licensed, insured, and experienced in completing similar renovation projects.

What are some tips for successfully managing a home renovation project?

Successfully managing a home renovation project involves establishing clear communication with contractors and other professionals involved in the project, prioritizing safety and compliance with local regulations, setting realistic goals and timelines, and maintaining an open and collaborative relationship with your chosen contractor.